Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Has to be 500k

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I like your optimism. We will see though. Its more than doable but I think precedent says they will not hit that figure until the last week or maybe last two weeks of July.

Pipe down. We’re going to go gangbusters.


I’m not optimistic. That’s just the levels they need to get to.

Think about it- 275k second doses due next week alone with all of these other doses available. If they don’t get to that level the stockpile will just increase.

Every cunt that can hold a needle should be lashing them out for the next two weeks. Fire this million doses down on top of what they were going to do instead of using these doses and not the others.
Doctors, pharmacists, nurses, vets, heroin addicts whoever and pay them whatever and get it fucking done



Sign in Charles Byrnes. :grimacing:


Do you reckon anyone in the HSE has the wherewithal or sense to check the condition of these ‘Romanian’ vaccines, chain of custody, proof of storage conditions?

I doubt it, hopefully someone involved in the purchase reads this and is inspired

It gets us to a stage of everyone at least being offered a vaccine far faster. If people have an appointment they might swallow the vaccination for hospitality distinction. Even aside from that the public mood is pretty angry again, seeing movement on vaccination will assuage it a bit.

And if we’re really in a race against delta as we are being told then surely any bit helps. Even if it only buys us a couple of weeks.

Go away with that shite. Get them in, lash them out, open the pubs.

This was from Thursday, so maybe the doses we are getting are not even in Romania.

Today we strove to bring clarity to hospitality industry, however the advice we have received from nphet would see thus industry closed for the remainder of the summer. We need more time to consider how we can get the industry open as safely and as quickly as possible, we expect to be in a position to make a more positive announcement by tomorrow evening.


66.8% of those over 18 in the US have received a first dose. (57.9% of those over 18 are fully vaccinated)

I agree anything less than 1.5 million doses is unacceptable. And that’s what in the fridge

What about the annual leave for vaccinators?

Tbf it’s all optics now - even if the Romanian ones are gone off lash them out anyway as people getting them prob won’t get sick from Covid anyway and you can give them their Cert and get the numbers up for Tony


I’m still sick from the vaccine on Wednesday. Everytime I go in the car I feel terrible for half ab hour afterwards. Its like travel sickness.

You fanny.


Still unwell today.
A cod of a yoke.

Bizarre really

If I travel in the car to go outside I’m fine.
If I travel in the car and come back inside I’m fucked for a couple of hours with what feels like travel sickness. Another friend who got it still unwell too.