Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

My guess is that the figures he’s tweeting are the actual daily doses administered in the MVCs and the system still has a lot of backlogged data that is still being added.

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That is very disappointing if so.
Saturdays figures only 30k.

Was just about to post that tweet.

Very low yeah. A big drop off.

Still missing the pharmacy numbers too. A lot of Janssen dished out last week you’d imagine.

@glasagusban I was being mislead by the dashboard data. This weeks performance is actually pathetic.

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Do you reckon that data lag is skewing these figures too

The data seems conflicting. Are we going gangbusters or not?

Another week of poor first doses.

I think so.

The Our World In Data site is listing the Covid hub as the source for the data. That hub will does not separate out the backlogged data.

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What are they at? Reid must not want those Romanian vaccines.

No idea how it could be that far out. Unless they aren’t taking the Romanian doses into account with that estimate?

I’ve my name on a list with a pharmacy but I’m gonna opt in for the AstraZeneca tomorrow.

Must be annual leave related. Less than 100k first doses last week excluding pharmacy doses, falling further behind on the doses they have in stock.

It seems very easy to get in now though which is what I don’t get, GPs are looking everywhere for people to take then. Seems highly inefficient.

I’m not so sure about that. :grimacing:

7 day average is skewed by the backlogged data.

Very selective countries to compare themselves against.

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I think we would have more success if we left the the supply chain management and distribution up to the Dundons.

369k added to the system last week.

Not 369k doses administered last week.

J&J are ticking along with deliveries of J&J into Belgium weekly now, small enough last week (just 35k) but some more stock at least. I wonder what the real figures of J&J are now. According to the ECDC it was 255k received up until last week, with I assume another 14k in last week so 269k in. Only 72k given out as per portal with no pharmacy data reported as of yet.

In real terms, with nearly 200k there, we could add 5.3% to first dose/fully vaccinated as these are given out and reported.

This is what makes the HSE’s delay on opening the portal even more bizarre.