Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

I’m registered long enough now and have not had a dickie bird back, long enough that it’s near enough time to be contacting them to see if I’ve fallen through a crack

What age are you?


Hmmmm. Surprising you haven’t got a call up alright. Have you logged in to your account on the portal?

awaiting appointment 1.

Fairly likely your PPS number was hacked and there’s a fake you with one dose in his arm.

You’ll have to live on the fringes of society as an outlaw soon enough.


no change there then

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It’s all ahead of you …

If you’re waiting more than 3 weeks you should ring them.

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One of the chaps I work with got a J&J in the pharmacy in town. He provided all the info etc prior to going in then announced himself. Said they asked him to check his details and then jabbed him. Never asked for ID. So conceivably you could get some lab rat to go in and get the vaccine for you.

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Ring the vaccine line.

Actually on the topic of the hse free phone number it came up as suspected spam in the caller id. It was in fact the correct number as I was able to move my appointment from limerick to cork

The number that sends you the phone verification for two step authentication is an English number, bizarrely

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Anyone know if you can have an appointment brought forward? I’m due to go on holidays on Saturday and just found out my appointment date is Sunday morning.

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Would you not defer it in the fear that you might have a bad reaction and be sick for your holidays?

Nah I’d rather get it done. If I defer it on the site do I not just get one a day or 2 later?

Has anyone got one quicker through the national system by ringing up? I’m due my second dose around the day I’m off on holidays but would rather have it well done and dusted so I can have a pint if it’s raining.

No, I rang them as my second jab was the same day as my mother’s funeral explained the situation but they were of no use. Just advised to reply New to the text, to be fair I had an appointment for the next day a couple of hours later.

Quicker than the four weeks? I’d say there’s no way they’d do that

Think you’ll be waiting 2 weeks after the 2nd dose to classed as fully vaccinated anyways.

It’s one week with Pfizer I think. That’s my point though I’d like it a week before I go :blush: