Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Vax centres running out of people to Vax

At least 1 dose administered for Wednesday


Kids will be next up.

Boosters after that.

Rinse and repeat.

Hopefully the Gardai get powers to forcefully round up those who have refused to be tested, sooner rather than later.

Hopefully. If it keeps people from dying and getting seriously ill and allows normality to return, then it sounds great to me.

If you tolerate this, then your children will be next

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That’s not enough for some people unfortunately

Do you think civil liberties are in a stronger or weaker place in the western world than they were two years ago?

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Is that the fella from Zena?

Neither. About the same I’d say.

Ah come on man.


I’ve been shocked at some people on Twitter (names withheld) expressing excitement that they’ve received their age range vaccine appointment. Not shocked by the excitement itself, but because they look around 15-20 years older than they actually are. Very tough paper rounds, as our friends in England might say.


We’re in an unprecedented pandemic. Emergency measures were taken. They’re not permanent. From my perspective I’m not concerned about people’s civil liberties in Ireland. If anything, I think Ireland will be improved in that regard post pandemic.

I’d be concerned about Europe’s continued (non) response to migration, and increasing tolerance of racism in lots of places and some pretty appalling responses to asylum seekers in the west in general though.

Even looking at the pandemic in Ireland, we directed the most egregious measure (MHQ) at foreigners.

Judging by the selfies you post to Strava, I would have had you down for vaccination around the same time as whatever category @Copper_pipe is in.

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You don’t know they’re not permanent. People are being forced to take a vaccine to partake in Irish society and you’re not worried about civil liberties? Tough one to square for me.


My understanding is the legislation has sunset clauses. It’s not permanent. No is being forced to take a vaccine.

It’s funny you’re not up in arms about any of the vaccines you were forced to take as a child.

Honestly, I don’t think the response is disportionate to the threat to any great degree. I think Ireland has done a shit job of most aspects and we’ve had more restrictions than needed at most of stages, but your civil liberties are just fine.

It’s the likes of the national party that go on about civil liberties, reasonable people see the restrictions as relatively proportionate to the threat.

They are being coerced by being denied entry or access to certain services and venues because they won’t take an experimental drug for something which is of little threat to the vast majority of the population.

You also said there was no way that they would discriminate based on a vaccine.

That’s true, I was completely wrong. I still think that’s wrong. But it’s temporary. And it’s still within the realms of a response that’s proportionate to the threat.