Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Yes, yes you were.

It’s not an experimental drug.

There is also the fact that circumstances changed a lot since I said that.

That it was ethically, morally and constitutionally questionable before, but now that all our civil liberties have been eroded it seems less so?

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What civil liberties have been eroded? It’s less problematic because the threat has changed and is greater and it’s a response to that.

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What changed?

It clearly is.

How long do its benefits last?

People are in effect being forced to take a vaccine. I have no idea how to address the comment about me not giving out about the vaccines I took as a kid. If somebody said to you 18 months ago you would have to take a vaccine to go into a cafe you would’ve called them crazy. You were calling me hysterical for suggesting the possibility of it only a few months ago. It’s just that we have become so accustomed to being told what to do and had so many of even our most basic civil liberties denied to us in the last 16 months that this seems more acceptable to most people now. I don’t think it is solely the reserve of far right people to be concerned about the erosion of civil liberties, that is Sid type nonsense.


Good point horsey mate. Also, if someone said to you there’d be a global pandemic that cause countries to lock people in their houses you’d call them crazy.

The key difference there to 18 months ago is the global pandemic.

Here are some examples of civil liberties: the freedom of conscience, freedom of press, freedom of religion, freedom of expression
Freedom of assembly, the right to privacy, the right to equal treatment and due process, the right to a fair trial, the right to life etc etc.

Which of these are permanently in a worse position? Some have been limited, again in an emergency context. That’s all.

I know the reason why a lot of our civil liberties have been denied to us is the pandemic. Your argument seems to be that they are not really being denied to us because there is a pandemic. That doesn’t make sense. You were strangely naive about vaccine passports when it was clear as day that they were coming. I hope you’re right obviously but a little bit of cynicism about what else is coming or how long restrictions will last for is healthy in the current climate I think.


If the vaccines are only proven to be effective for 12 months or so what is the likelihood that the cert will remain in place to prove you’ve gotten your booster shot?

It’s not and dunno. How long does paracetamol last?

Yeah that’s pretty much it, the restrictions are proportionate to the danger. Pretty much none of your rights are absolute. They are temporarily restricted because there is a pandemic.

That is not a worry for civil liberties in the west.

MHQ is a worry because it’s a racist system and its disproportionate. Things like the US and Australia locking up immigrants in cages and things like that, they’d be a cause for concern for the state of civil liberties. That’s how I see it anyway.

Mine is only valid until May 2022. Pfizer. It’s printed on it.

I couldn’t disagree with a sentence more

Would you have any concerns about @TreatyStones question above about how long vaccine passports will be around for now that it looks like we could have to be getting boosters and possibly annual jabs?

I’d have no issue with yearly vaccine boosters, etc. as long as life went on as normal

I’d seriously question the skin care regimes of some of these people.

4-6 hours.

It is an experimental drug. It has killed people, caused blood clotting, enlarged hearts, induced seizures, anaphylactic shock.