Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Heard today that the operation in Cork City Hall is expected to finish up in 4/5 weeks.

82.9% of the 18+ population have at least 1 dose and 68% are fully vaccinated.

Pfizer Pfizer Pfizer

Just to highlight what a wonderfully designed, crafted and thought out system they have in place now with data integrity checks around tracking who gets covid certs.

The date of birth on my cert is wrong. It says 2002 instead of 1982.

So despite giving a PPS number that contains that type of information they’re going to rely on the manual inputs of doddery old pharmacists all over Europe to get this right who somehow managed to read 1982 as 2002.

Having such a manual process also means it’s wide open to be manipulated. Going by that level of validation/verification checks, I’d say you could manually input anything you like and get a cert back.

Well, I’m shocked. :roll_eyes:



Moderna is poison.

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Frustratingly you also narrowly miss being classified as under 18 for indoor dining purposes if your birthday has passed this year.

Are you fucked? I’ve the 2nd dose during the week

Not a great uptake of the AZ.

They had to re issue 17k certs for issues with a fada in names.

Lovely. They’ve the fada fiasco sorted before I’ll get mine so.

It’s months since I got it. I’d a fair rough night the night of the second jab

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Lads, ye have no idea what ye are pumping yourselves full of.

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Rang the HSE number they give on the cert to fix the issue.

It tells you there’s a new number. Gives you the number, then hangs up. Could they not just redirect the call. :man_shrugging:
Or put the new number on the cert.

Currently listening to Mundy levels of repetition with their jazz hold music on the new number.

You’ll be there for 1.5 hours then it disconnects you

Is it moderna you had? I’ve Pfizer dose two next week.

Yeah after 45 minutes it started warning me that the expected wait time was more than 90 minutes.

I just have it on in the background so just letting it work away.

Sure they won’t need the vaccine most of them will have had it at some stage.

The brother got his vaccine a few weeks back and his due to fly to Malta on Friday. Still waiting on the cert and Malta are not accepting the Vaccine Card thingy.