Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Teerible stuff. I still get bouts of light-headedness 3 weeks after the 1st dose.

I wonder does she know Mrs @Bandage


Are you sure it isn’t something else?

I’ve just been Moderna’d.


Was getting it for the week straight after the vaccine
Then fine for about 10 days but this week again I had it in the morning Tues, Wed, Thurs.
Friend of mine who got it the same day has had a pretty much identical experience, although he was far sicker than me in the days after it. He does a lot of running and has a high end watch, he said his heart rate was all over the shop for the 2 weeks after the first dose.

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I thought you were holding out for a Pfizer

what kind of shite are they pumping into ye at all?


She just told me she’s meeting two friends for dinner in Clontarf at 6pm. If the restaurant needs them to vacate the table then they’ll drink cocktails outside The Baths afterwards. I’ll get the two lads to sleep, don’t worry about me.


I’d only love if my wan fucked off regularly and left me to my own devices as much as your wan does. It must be great?

They kept offering me Moderna so I took a chance on the cowboys.

I’d be cracking open the champagne if she went at 7pm. But I’ll have the chicken & egg scenario now where I won’t be able to put one child asleep without the other kicking off. That’ll mean neither of them will go asleep and I’ll be ferrying between bedrooms and both of them will be going berserk. It can’t be helped, 6pm is the only option that works.

I got that a few nights after the second dose, cleared in a couple of days thankfully

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This is not what I need to be hearing right now!!!

You’re a keeper mate

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Two sleeping boys since 7.15pm so I’ve had ample time to rustle up a divine evening meal. Winning.


Jesus I’d fucking monster that

Just got the call up for the second dose Monday evening, 23 days after dose 1.



J&J earlier today.

No impact so far.

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That’s a savage bit of tea

Didn’t hit me for about 12 hours.