Vaccine Numbers Log Thread




All restrictions gone on the mainland, cases absolutely plummeting but paddy needs papers to have a pint and wear a mask inside, tweet that you Cork cunt


One month ahead of schedule :thinking:

Much less of a crowd in Ballybrit this morning than when I was there for Moderna dose 1, when there were multiple queues out in the car park.

In and out in 18 minutes.

And now I wait for the apparent hell that may be to come after Moderna dose 2.

I know a few alongside meself who got it and sailed through. Be grand.

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Wasn’t too bad myself after Moderna 2. Felt like a hangover the next day but right as rain again the day after.

Know one lad who had a rough enough few days after it though.

The problem is I already have a hangover after having four pints last night.

Have they closed down the walk in centers again. Was it just for the weekend.

For the moment anyway.

At the walk in centre in City Hall in Cork, at the end of the evening they had about 100 odd doses of Pfizer left before they expired. They had people outside asking passers by if they wanted a jab and if they already had their first jab, you could avail of the 2nd one as long it was at least 18 days apart.

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Did we get the Romanian doses for a finish?

Announced just now actually. 700k.

We’ll be over 80% fully vaccinated by the end of August.
Incredible going.


It really really is.

NPHET will need new goalposts.

It’s be fascinating to watch the narrative shift and now we’ve gone from it not being dangerous for children to it being quite dangerous for children.


They missed their July target of 6m vaccinated.

They have, but we need to park that and move on.


why isn’t everything open like John Bull? What is mehole waiting for?