Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Can we get this on tiktok?

So 90% is where they will probably land.

why isn’t everything full opened up?

More surely if they’re already at 90%? Or do you mean total population including younger kids?

16 and over. 90% have registered, they’ve been able to register for ages now. Maybe another 1% or 2% but can’t see it moving much beyond that. There’s a few % who got it abroad too.

I suppose there’s not much incentive for 16 and 17 year olds. They can’t use their own ID anyway if they want to get into a pub

Parent’s might try encourage them.

A fully vaccinated person does not need to isolate if no symptoms. Would be important for when schools go back I guess.

I think they should still at least get to 80% registered at least but that isn’t many more people in real terms. A few thousand or so. Probably kids off on their holidays with their parents.

If we take the figures up till yesterday, 86.4%, based on the registrations that’s another 130k or so to do based on registrations. Makes sense given when the 12-15 is supposed to be opening.

That’s class. I’d hate to lose my sense of smell, taste would be even worse.

It’d be some achievement to get 90% of over 16s population double jabbed. I have huge doubts about that figure. I’d say no other country in the world will match that?

Ireland must have the highest % of servile halfwits in the world.


I think the fear narrative that was pushed in Ireland more so than in most other places may have influenced vaccine take up. Might be finally reaping some benefit from it.

Mehole proudly exclaims craggy island ahead of the UK in vaccines, so why the fuck is not everywhere opened up like England??

It’s not even being mentioned. Paul Reid was on rte for ages earlier and what it meant for reopening was never addressed.

Are you not vaccinated?

I think we just don’t have as many anti vaxx nuts as most other places

There were 30 thousand cases in the UK today. There’s going to be absolute carnage when Boris has to lockdown again

That’s down from this time last week though