Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Hospital admissions are up and the vaccine uptake is slowing down.

They broke too early. They’ll be fucked by October

I think testing rates are even dropping off.

Not good. At all

Scotland will be a better bellwether

They’re only fully opening up now aren’t they?

Yea think so. Similar size and culture to us apparently and sturgeon would be seen as reasonable by most in Ireland unlike Boris

They even have a similar amount of cases per day.

Let’s hope it goes well for them. I think they’re closer with the vaccinations too.

They were at 50k at one stage two weeks. Cool your jets

Vindication for @Tassotti gold standard jab

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They’ve tested 10% less and they’ve 10% less positive cases. Go figure.

Not testing isn’t good by the way

30k is 40% less than 50k


The 7 day number is 10% down from last week, the 7 day number is also 10% down for tests performed.

Don’t test as much you won’t get as many cases. Bang away.

Deaths are gone up 14% mind in the week

I’m not and won’t be. I’m going to sit this one out.

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Their complete lack of even a basic understanding of simple statistics is overwhelming at times.

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You have lads like the @the_man_himself simply doing it for no other reason than he was told to.

What separates Ireland from the rest of Europe is their levels of servility.

Anyone that decides they’re not comfortable with the level of risk being posed by the jabs is automatically anitvaxx. It doesn’t matter if you’ve got genuine reasons for not taking it, you’re automatically a bad person and an antivaxxer.


But you were using daily case numbers when you mentioned 30k - you can’t keep moving the goalposts to suit your narrative

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If you question anything on the vaccine your labelled as anti vax. Even if you got the thing

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Yeah, it’s lazy to throw around the term anti-vax. I don’t recall anyone here saying nobody should be taking the vaccine. I believe in it being a personal choice, for some people the vaccines have more benefits than risks and for others there is no real upside to taking it.

I do find it ironic that the most fervent vaccine pushers are the ones who basically seem to have the least faith in vaccine efficacy, yet they are the ones trying to bully and coerce other people into taking the vaccine. Understandably these people begin to look very stupid when you question their rationale and it becomes obvious that they are only regurgitating what they’ve been told and opted not to engage in any independent thinking and critical analysis. These are the type of people who are ripe for a Ponzi scheme later on in their life - the unquestioning, fickle brigade.

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The type of person who would happily share screenshots of private messages with their father in order to publicly shame him into kowtowing to their own beliefs and limited knowledge?

Obviously her father isn’t a complete pillock like her. Quite nasty tactics from your own blood to publicly try and shame and vilify your father for not choosing to put an experimental drug in your body but these people…

People like that young lady there are utter sociopaths.