Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

There was a young lad from Waterford who died last week, and its spreading like wildfire that he died after getting the vaccine. The only thing that I have seen that somewhat corroborates the story is a woman, who doesnt have the same family name, saying he was her nephew and he died of the vaccine. Her twitter is full of mental anti vaccine stuff.

If it comes out that this is anyway similar to that poor girl in Enniscorthy, its just another horrible story. If it comes out that it was indeed the vaccine, then it really should be in the news and reported as such. Not to scare people, but just to keep awareness.


Anti vaxxers were the most dangerous fuckers before this with their lies. Somehow they have out done themselves with covid. Worse than isis or the taliban

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Lots of people have died after getting the vaccine.

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He was 23 and the story going was he died of a brain aneurysm as a direct result of getting it. If it did happen, it should be reported as such. If it didn’t, its horrible exploitation.


Young people have died from blood clots after getting the vaccine. While the risk is minimal I wouldn’t say there have been attempts to cover it up. I’m sure if the aneurysm was caused by the vaccine it’ll be reported as such.


How can they tell? People die of aneurysms all the time. They’ll always be coincidences.

Whatever about the rights or wrongs of it, everyone will likely end up getting boosters. Israel now mandating a booster 5 months after being fully vaccinated for everyone.

How are we looking on supply for the rest of the year @Copper_pipe? I haven’t looked in a long while to see how much we have on hand. I know there are still 200k Romanian vaccines due in and I assume we are still getting 100k plus a week from Pfizer. Given how quite a few 60 somethings were only vaccinated by mid July, they will likely move up them to pre December for their boosters you’d expect.

He’s buried in the next row after my father. I was up there tonight visiting the fathers grave and there was a group of youngsters visiting the young lads grave as there are every day. It’s a terrible tragedy.


Has there been any reports on the efficacy of Moderna after x amount of months? Everything I’ve seen so far has been on Pfizer and AZ.

I assume they all have similar drop off

Don’t think so. Pfizer PR and Israel are pushing their one. Assume the CDC have something on the US.

There used to be a fella on here would keep an almost hourly track of it. Seems to have lost interest now that the process was a resounding success


I had a look there myself for the first time in a while and looks like 1.5m in stock, not including this weeks deliveries but seemingly all the Romanian doses received. There’s an excess of about a quarter of a million AZ and 50k J&J with all deliveries stopped from there.

Probably close to 2m then in stock by the end of September, they might need to consider giving some away soon if the booster programme hasn’t started by October.

The talk has been that anyone that got J&J or AZ needs an mRNA booster. Is the reverse also true? I suppose we have nothing from NIAC on who needs to be boosted with what and when yet?

Great to see the two Ulster counties at the bottom.

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Would the fact that loads of border foxes got their vaccines in the north be factored into that ?

The HSE does not have figures for people who have been vaccinated in other jurisdictions and said it was possible some people living in Border counties were vaccinated in Northern Ireland where the vaccination programme began in early December of last year.

I’d say the incidence rates will be using the 2016 CSO estimates also. The 2021 population estimates were released yesterday.

Limerick :face_with_monocle:

Many in Dublin would have been vaccinated abroad as well. Hard to take much from that data really.

Dublin would have a much younger population than other counties as well