Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

I’d recommend ateing about 6 Solpadeine over the course of the day.

Aside from a sore arm and a bit of tiredless in the evening I was grand after my second jab.

Some people were in an awful way after it.

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A lot of people decide they are in a bad way with it, because they feel they should be in a bad way with it


Behind a paywall, I guess we’ll never know what Eilish had to say.

cc @Spidey

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There’s no reason to listen to her anyway

@Cheasty @mikehunt are we there yet? What’s your thoughts on lifting the remainder of restrictions based on these vaccine numbers? I never thought we would have a 90% take up. I was thinking 75% max but thankfully I was wrong

Jabbed circa 3 hours ago and arm starting to get quite sore.

I’m on the Panadol.

Has your arm fallen off yet?

Didn’t put down a great night now, I won’t lie.

The walk in centres are back again in some locations from tomorrow.

You can get a dose 1 or dose 2 (if you are waiting on one) providing its been at least 21 days since your first dose as below.

I’m after receiving my EU Digital Vaccine certificate in the past hour cc @the_man_himself

@Copper_pipe what do I do now? Just take a screenshot?

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Have you an iPhone or Android?


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Don’t shoot the messenger


That’s a dumb analogy. Maybe the messenger should be pistol-whipped instead of shot.

If you have Covid app you can save it there.

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You’d enjoy that :+1:

The anti vaxxers will stoop to any length. From believing obese people deserve to die from Covid to the likes of this. Seriously unhinged behaviour.

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That’s a disgusting story, Gemma is the lowest of the low, she’s reaching Hitler levels of unpopularity, like Hitler she has plenty of cheerleaders

Gemma knows more about vaccines than the experts. We’re just too stupid to realise it.

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