Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

The 6 month constraint will mean the numbers are nothing like that surely.

They are able to give them out from 5 months out. NIAC advice allows for that.

Moderna is bulletproof.
A serious vaccine.
It’ll nearly kill you, but if you survive you are invincible.


Ah here

Anyone that isn’t running sub 25 min 5k by the end of November is fucked.


There’ll be lots of time to train.

58k boosters given out since late September. Figures each day recently are in the hundreds.

Nov 7: 493
Nov 8: 310
Nov 9: 571
Nov 10: 733
Nov 11: 691
Nov 12: 817
Nov 13: 665
Nov 14: 253
Nov 15: 234

Not exactly breaking their asses, are they?

Groundhog day

The problem with getting boosters out apart from supply which hopefully isn’t an issue is staffing and capacity, large hotels, stadiums, university venues etc are back being used for their original purposes so unless we go back to full lockdown it’s hard to see how boosters jabs can be expedited

I see online there that he mentions March as some didn’t get their shots until late in. End of December is still the target with it being around 1.3m (being healthcare workers, LTCR and over 60s).

354k boosters completed as of the weekend. With 230k a week it should be fairly handy.

Turns out that figure is just the doses for the immunocompromised. As in Healthcare workers and the staff in private schools who skipped the queue aren’t included.

On article on the Irish Times dates the 6th of this month had the figure at over 200k but I’ve no idea where they’re getting that from.

They’ve ramped down the resources. Will take time to ramp up again.

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It’s 354k. Check the ECDC data.

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Not if they used pharmacies.

This is what happens government fails to plan ahead and adopt a “let’s pray things will be grand” approach.

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Data as per the ECDC

80+: 149k out of 171k
70-79: 84k out of 322k
60-69: 43k out of 481k
Below we can assume are mostly immuno comp/healthcare workers
50-59: 28k out of 607k
25-49: 47k out of 1.75m
18-24: 4K out of 434k

They have no excuse for this

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FYI, Israel’s infection rate started to plummet once 30% of the total population had received boosters by early September. Hospitalisations (which didn’t get near the peak) had been falling from early September. Only 70% of over 60s had their booster at that point with Israel having a lower vaccination rate of over 60s than Ireland (just 87% of 60-69).