Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

But they are at risk. Surely the idea is to protect the at risk?

Instead you want to discriminate against people solely on the basis of them not making the same choice as you.

You’re a bigot, plain and simple.

We protect the at risk by locking up the risk, that makes sense right?

Do you think you should be free to endanger people however you want? What are your views on speeding? Or drink driving?

Yes. Isn’t that how we protected them in the first lockdown, told the old folk to cocoon?

Vaccines won’t stop you getting the virus, the cohort who are driving in their droves are the elderly who are almost universally vaccinated, surely the best way to protect them is by keeping them in their home. Locking unvaccinated up doesn’t serve any purpose other than to discriminate against people who made a different choice to you.

You’re a bigot, I always knew it but now you’ve confirmed your intolerance.

Do you think you should you be allowed drive a car at whatever speed you want?

Do I think I should have control over what I choose to let into my body and not be discriminated for it? Yes I do.

You’re just a bigot and like all bigots your rationale is crazed.

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If the choice is between locking up older people or locking up the unvaccinated, why should we not choose the unvaccinated? What makes you such a special little snowflake?

The bottom line is nobody should be locked up against their wishes. End of.


So you want to lock up people who take a different view of it. Locking up the unvaccinated solves nothing, only flames discrimination and a totalitarian state - which is what you’re proposing. You’re rambling on like an embittered bigot.

Fulvio let’s just get back to you counting the number of doses administered and criticising the slow roll out of the vaccine you don’t agree with.

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Are children included in this? Do you propose we keep them in cages!

Why would we criticise one of the best vaccine rollouts in Europe?

Maybe cages for the adults and some sort of free range pen for children?

Cages would be well-ventilated if kept outside. You may be on to something here.

I think it’s clear the vaccines are not the way out now. 93/94% uptake in adults and cases skyrocketing.

There you have it. Fulvio just wants to find problems to every solution.

I’m all about solutions, you’re all about discrimination and zealotry.

You want to lock up old people you fascist.

I never said that. I don’t want to lock anyone up, you do.

I just mentioned that if you’re all for locking people up, what you proposed only serves to discriminate.

I see you’re engaging in misrepresenting others again, sad you don’t have the intelligence to back yourself in an honest debate.

This is for tracking the vaccine numbers. If you want to bow out of that then fine.

Thanks for your on topic response.

They’d run out in short order with the supplies at hand so. They should be on 400k a week though for the next 4 weeks. They’d be there or thereabouts with what they need.