Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

did michael martin not create the HSE?

No panic sure.

Who could have predicted it?

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I logged into my Epacjent account just now out of interest. I am eligible to get the 3rd shot from next week. Based on the booking system I can pop down for the shot in an hours time. Seems to be loads of slots offering Moderna.

Myself and the missus just signed up for the 3rd shot there. Friday evening 18:45. We’ll make a date of it.

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Getting the booster tomorrow


I heard it was chaos yesterday for the walk in times and only marginally less so for those with appointments.

At least people are going I suppose.

Getting it at the GP.

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You crafty auld dog.

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Can you ask the GP how much they are getting for administering the booster?

I couldn’t be bothered. Sure I’m getting it for free. It’s lads like you who won’t take it who’ll end up paying for it.


Ultimately it’s the people cited as “experts” who have financial incentives to recommend a certain course of action who are put forward on media outlets on a daily basis.

It’s paid for by any tax payer.

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Fucking hell.

Correct but 93% of the taxpayers perceive themselves to be getting a benefit from it so they’ll have no issue with it. It’s the 7% who won’t take it who must be really grigged at having to shell out for it.

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Yes but 93% of the taxpayers are just too stupid to see that the people telling them to get the vaccine get a financial benefit from them doing so.

Got the booster there. Pfizer to top up my Rolls Royce Astra Zeneca jabs.


I’ve mine this afternoon. Also getting Pfizer after an earlier double of Moderna.

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I didn’t realise they’d started on the over 70s.