Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

no one more drop of that muck is going into me

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You talking about alcohol or vaccines mate?

Don’t panic Captain Mainwaring.

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Our GP put out a message today that they’ll give the booster to anyone that wants it

Copying Boris’ homework again.

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A hungry type is he/she?

What do GPs get per vaccine?


email leo, im sure he’ll send you the contract


Wow these guys had it cracked last year. Dud vaccines forced on the public to access certain things in a restricted society.



By god.

As much as I hate to do this, anecdotally I’ve been speaking to a lot of vaccinated people who won’t be bothering with the booster for now at least. It looks to me that people’s trust in it has been badly eroded as things are little better than 12 months ago despite mass take up.

I’d say history will remember Covid 19 vaccines as one of the biggest scientific failures of modern times.

When anybody else tells an anecdote that doesn’t align with your position you demand names, details, or further proof to back it up.

I assume you’ll be publishing the names of these people and the times, dates and locations of these encounters?


People are literally queueing around the block to get it mate

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Yet according to some on here we have pharmacies who literally can’t give jabs away.

You can believe it or not. As I said I don’t like dealing in anecdotes as dihonest people make a habit of using them to support their arguments which is I am always loathe to do so

It doesn’t bother me if an inherently dishonest weasel like you believes it or not.


Your limited attention span must have missed the opening line, I preempted your reply - I’m simply too smart for you.

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Also inadmissible