Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Triple Pfizer’d :+1:


Not worth a fuck to ya. Moderna or nowhere

I was perfect after the 2 Pfizers. A bit tired was all.

I was genuinely floored and very sick after the Moderna booster. Headache, chills, fever, cold sweats, light headed and dizzy…the works.

Would weed soften the side effects?

Belt away and let us know sure

8 bottles of Guinness will get you over the effects of the experimental gene therapy

Booster is irrelevant now. Better off getting a dose of it.

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You’ll be lucky to escape.
Anyone I know that got the Moderna booster was flattened after it.
Start lashing the paracetamol into ya now.

Or better still-Soluble solpadine

Fucking moderna is made of the sweepings of the floor. @carryharry your armpit will be as sore as a boil in the morning.

It’s pfizer cut with rat poison ffssake.

2 x az followed by a dose of delta was the rolls royce of treatment

That moderna is some muck

2x vaccines and a dose of omicron. Job is oxo

2 pzifer and then a dose of delta in mid November? how does that rank?

Didn’t someone post that the booster only lasts for 10 weeks?

thats that pfizer muck, they will be sticking your arm with 4 doses of that monkey juice shit every 3 months for the rest of your life, otherwise you will die of a runny nose

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think someone posted that about a booster alright maybe cheasty, , but I had the virus itself in November, same difference?

Dunno kid

the virus is the best booster you can get


yeah but you hear said that a chap with delta recently could get omicron now

You’d be lucky to get Omicron, I feel 10 years younger.