Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Gee thanks for the clarification…

I agree. But my question was WHY?

@HSE, why wasn’t I called for my booster yet?

Seriously, who cares why? The HSE is shambles. Not getting a text is hardly earth shattering news. If you want the booster go get it. Going on about not getting a text is ridiculous.

The sister got hers done there before Christmas. She rocked up around 1.10 to be told they were on lunch and would be back at 1.30. She sat in the car and waited for ten minutes. Got out and joined the queue which was just forming. She was juiced up and back in the car for 1.45
You should find out when they go on lunch and then rock up a quarter hour or so before they return


11:20 appointment. Out by 11:30 this morning. The bookings will get more hectic from tomorrow with the younger crowd in

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Listen I’m just telling you what happened. Whether you decide to get a booster or not is totally up to you. I won’t criticise you either way. It did happen by the way and it was just a friendly suggestion that maybe would reduce waiting time for you if you wanted one.



There are appointments available at the vaccination centre in Limerick city tomorrow.

Here is the booking link

Can you send him that link in a text?



Ah, I’m only messing.
I know I can book one, I just want to know why?

I’d imagine it’s more efficient (the HSE efficient?!?!?!) for the HSE to let people off themselves to decide when and where. They would probably end up with a rake of no shows if they gave people dates and times?

@habanerocat literally not willing to roll up his sleeves and help

I thought I was helping by not bullying my way up the queue like others.

I think you’ll have to pop down and lead lead him by the hand in to get it.

Got this one slightly wrong…its every six weeks with the same vaccine.




You’d have to be off your head.

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