Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Supply being the main constraint I assume.

In the meantime you would assume that the next age group(s) would be vaccinated using the AZ vaccine at these mass vaccination centres…

They should not be let off with this.

If supply is the issue (and I suspect it’s only part of the issue and a nice convenient excuse) - have they properly considered that it is better for a 70 year old to wait two months than to just receive the AZ vaccine? Or are they blindly following Holohan’s advice which went against the body responsible for making the recommendation?

There are people who love power without accountability and we have a problem with that in this country.


Johnson and Johnson vaccine coming in March so should move a lot quicker.

It appears to be the latter and there further appears to be no interrogation of this whatsoever from the Irish media. This is mind boggling.

She has to go

The main constraint is heir Holohan has gone on a solo run with the AZ vaccine

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Nobody cares because they’re all cheerleading us being locked down indefinitely.

Leo Varadkar said yesterday that they would look at opening retail across April, May and June. Just normal.

8 to 14 February

We plan to give around 29,000 vaccinations this week.

15,000 vaccinations will be given to frontline healthcare workers.

5,000 vaccines will be given to GPs. These will be key vaccinators in the community.

9,000 vaccinations will be given to staff and residents of long-term care facilities. 1,000 of these will be second doses.

Is 29000 all we are getting at the moment or what the fuck is going on? We were getting 50k before any AZ, I know Pfizer we’re messing around, but are Moderna getting the finger out at all

You’re only surprised at the Irish media not doing their job now?

The leader in the free state collected bungs from a property developer, had his wife lodge them in her personal account and no record of the expenditure has been recorded. He was in front of a tribunal and lied through his teeth and had to feign selective amnesia. This happened 30 years ago and the only time he was ever asked about it was on a morning show Loose Women type programme where he conducted a car crash interview that raised more questions than it answered.


We got more than 20k AZ vaccines this week though. So have we got absolutely nothing from anyone else or what’s going on

That 21k delivery will be used for healthcare workers starting this week.

A further 169k of AZ vaccine is due to be delivered this month apparently. That leaves the remaining 410k to be delivered in March…

Does that mean we only got 8k between Pfizer and Moderna? Or is there a box in the warehouse again

Nobody knows anything.

@Copper_pipe knows, he just won’t tell us

indo seems to be suggesting all is not rosy here

Kevin Doyle: Health chiefs need to realise journalists asking hard questions does not damage the national effort -

anyone have their parents coffee table login for the article?

Wast that not just a 30% reduction for one week?

What the fuck is happening with the Moderna vaccine though? They received 3.6k vaccine doses on the 12th Jan and have distributed 1.8k of them.

Have they not got any since then? Or are they just stockpiling them in a fridge. The lack of transparency here shows that they are making a dog’s dinner of it.

This must be a cause for cognitive dissonance in the Indo hive brain, how will it square up against the rest of their pro fear and pro zero covid warblings?

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