Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

It is scarce at the moment.

That’s just the backroom team.

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83 vaccinated.

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Is there some website or database that shows the amount vaccinated in EU countries?



They are flying through it

Closed now till Tuesday… But stay indoors you, we need to save lives.

Did you manage to progress from the bed to the couch?

Be great if he was in government. Oh wait


We must be up to treble figures in vaccines now.

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Some going before a bank holiday as well

Looks like working weekends may be a possibility!


Great news… We just might get through this yet folks.

Great. I’d love if we got this vaccine roll out right.


So they will use half of the weekly stock they receive in a week and Hard Boiled thinks they deserve a fucking pat on the back.

What an absolute asshole.

As would I. I realise TFK isn’t a great barometer, but you get the feeling some lads here are willing this to fail.

138 vaccinations administered in France… Can someone fact check that please

Le TFK must be going mental