Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Mamma and Pappa are getting their second dose in April.


What would we say is the magic figure needed for doses administered? 5m?

Adult population about of say 4m. 80% uptake leaves it at 3.2m. Factor in J&J one shot vaccine and we’ll call in 5m shots needed to get somewhere between 3-4m vaccinated.

With circa 250k already done that’s another 60 weeks at that pace to reach that target.

You’d probably need to be hitting 250k vaccines per week at some point in Q2.

We don’t need anything like that vaccinated

It’s cack handed organisation. They’ve vaccinated HSE finance people and GPs left waiting.

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The US is the biggest test of this now. They are vaccinating a good few but not at the speed of Israel or the U.K. But they are also reopening a lot of things. The impact of 10% or so being vaccinated combined with pre existing immunity and previous infection is going to start to be seen. Infections are continuing to decline.

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So book flights out of Belfast for summer?

How many of those are in long term care facilities? Of the over 85s, you’d assume it’s a decent %.

We don’t but the nutjobs in NPHET will probably insist.

I think there will be foreign holidays from Northern Ireland this year but there might be a limited menu of options with travel corridors. If intercounty travel restrictions are lifted I’m not sure how they can stop people from down south from availing of that option.

This would suggest that the 72k are separate to those in care facilities…

"The first 66,000 of them will be vaccinated at their own GP surgery.

About 2,000 are patients at smaller practices in Dublin and so will be asked to attend the DCU Hub for vaccination.

The remaining 4,000 over 85-year-olds will be required by their GP to go to a neighbouring practice location or to a centralised hub in the large urban areas outside Dublin.

It is hoped that all over 85s will have received their first dose of vaccine within three weeks of 15 February."

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Why won’t they let the GPs arrange similar?

Pairc Ui Chaoimh will finally see a crowd.


I just can’t understand why they didn’t decide to roll out a 24/7 vaccine programme in certain healthcare settings.

For example, say they decided to vaccinate the staff in the biggest hospital(s) in the country first. St James’s, Beaumont, UHL, CUH or wherever.

Go and have maybe three vaccination teams on rotating eight hour cycles. Go in and don’t leave until all staff who request one gets one. Three, four, five days tops before they’d all be done.

Same again three or four weeks later for the second jab. Instead they seem to have this tedious piece meal approach. Do a few today, a few tomorrow, wait for more, come back the following week and if there’s enough left do anyone still looking for it. Very disjointed.

To avoid long queues operate it around the clock. If you get an appointment for 5am make it your business to be there or else you go to the back of the queue. Pay the vaccinators handsomely if needs be, we’re spending billions on PUP so €30 or €40 an hour to get it moving swiftly would be well worth it.

The leisurely pace they seem to be operating at is very frustrating. There doesn’t seem to be a great determination or enthusiasm to roll this out and return to normal. The government, HSE and RTE are quite happy to have us all locked up for different reasons.

The supply issue is an easy cop out and they won’t have that excuse much longer.


You’d wonder if recommending no AZ for over 70s was just to buy themselves more time


Healy Raes missed a trick by not getting one set up in their back field

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I wonder will I be able to get mine in Cark or will I have to go to Limerick for it…

Are we officially out of our transition week?

To be absolutely clear as well - the vaccination done to date in hospitals etc has been the low-hanging fruit.

5 (Five) centres for Cork, one more than Dublin. They will be celebrating that long into the night.

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