Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Scaling up nicely, but the expected weekend dip probably see them miss the 100k.

If they do manage to hit the 100k this week after the sluggish start its excellent work.

That’s being very kind.

If they fail to hit the target then they are a disgrace.

We will not and should not accept abject failure.

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Ah it’ll be grand. We’ll do it next week.

It’s a bad sign. We were told supply would be the only issue

Relax mate.

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I don’t know why but I just don’t have the trust in the HSE that I should have

About 4/5 weeks away when they are meant to be hitting 250k a week and they can’t even hit half that scheduled target.

Have to average over 15,500 a day for the last 4 days of the week to hit their 100,000 target.

Seems reasonable enough? I know the weekends are slower but they’ll have to ramp them up at some point

Why on earth is it still taking 3 days to process those numbers?

Why should weekends be slower

I didn’t say they should but they are up until now



Egghead is replying to all the criticisms in the replies :laughing:

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The man has lost it.

He’s an awful fucking flute.

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I got the vaccine there on Thursday.

I’ve been fucked since then with fever and generally feeling like shite.

But I’ll take the pain for the good of society.