Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Yeah I wouldn’t be trusting that dashboard. Its a bit all over the place.

RTÉ/HSE have disputed the EC/DC numbers.

Genius tactic here from the HSE clouding the issue. No one knows how many we have done.

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If you can’t trust the HSE & RTÉ who can you trust



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You are getting your figures from the HSE sure

Bizarrely the EC/DC are getting their numbers from the HSE as well.

And the HSE are plucking them out of their arse

So we should be around the 10% mark on that chart

Unless the rest of the figures are wrong. I suspect there are.

The Danes are still kicking our arses

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When you export the 1st dose % and 2nd dose it moves them up a bit higher but they still seemed to have fallen a fair bit off from what they were celebrating a week or so ago.

If it’s a supply issue then there’s no reason why other European countries should be a couple of % points ahead.

It looks for all intents and purposes like the HSE are fucking this one up.

There’s a desire to sprint this marathon, but there’ll be a time for that when we have enough in the tank to make it to the line and not burn ourselves out.

The finish line is there for us.

This has always stunk to high heavens.

Michael O’Connell has to walk the plank.

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@gman won’t like this

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And Sputnik V throwing some shade.

As @farmerinthecity himself already said about his own vaccination, it’s all about knowing the right people to make sure you get the vaccine.


@Copper_pipe Stevie D said we have 520k doses at the moment and will have 500k vaccinated by the end of this week. Me thinks that’s a clever use of words by the Egg and we should be receiving what another 100k doses this week, so by the end of the week we’ll have 620k doses received and 500k delivered. It’s a good thing it isn’t an emergency