Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Official deliveries monday to Friday. The oul fastway lads do the weekends and leave the packages in GPs hedges and bins so it takes a while to fish them out


You’d run out of vaccine after a few days you clown :rofl:

Whereas I keep the high quality content flowing endlessly :brendan:

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Do you want it done right or done fast?

We want pints.

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FORGET about pints

The GPs neighbours will probably drop it around in a few days when they see them

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That’s Paul Reid with the cap


Thats Neilus Horan mate.

Have they been asked how many vaccines they have lying around that haven’t been used?

They have, and they’ve worded the responses in such away that makes it sounds like that they are all given out but they potentially might not be.

they are wording it to include the amount they vaccinated to the end of the week, but the amount they received is from the count at the end of the week previous or from the start of the vaccination week. They seem to have a weeks stock in hand for whatever reason but fudge the figures. Optics. There is no reason that I can think of to have surplus amounts in reserve. Just get it all out and get the most vulnerable their vaccine.

Vacations trump vaccines.

Particularly with AZ as it’s a 12 week lag between jabs.

Patrick’s Day, Good Friday and Easter Monday will impact the number of vaccines given out I suppose as well
A few potential 3 day weeks (considering we seem to be on 4 day week already)

According to the Belgium Vaccine Tracker which I linked previously, Belgium has received just over 1.5 millions doses of vaccine. 1,520,003 to be precise.

The population of Belgium is about 2.33 times the population of Ireland.

Using the method of distributing vaccines based on population size that would mean Ireland should have about 652k vaccines to date…

so just under quarter of a million doses sitting in a fridge somewhere

In fairness to the HSE I presume they can’t make GPs work weekends and we won’t have these issues when we move to the mass vaccination centers.

That would be very close to what egghead said in his word play the other day. We have 520k vaccines and we will have 500k vaccinated by the end of this week, which doesn’t account for the roughly 100k we will get this week. So by week end we’ll have roughly 120k vaccines sitting in the shed. Let’s say they won’t get half of that until late in the week. That’s still 60k of the vulnerable we are being locked up to protect that they aren’t bothered getting vaccinated a week earlier. It will cost far more lives and livelihoods than the lads in college court. An actual slap in the face to health care workers and the vulnerable

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