Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

We need to vaccinate 24/7 now.

I would guess the govt are not being very honest about AZ.

Can someone ask Gav to do a bit of journalism there and explain our 520k vs what the Belgians have received?

They need to be held to account.

Is TFK now the Fourth Estate?


TFK is only in the hapenny place to Tattle.Life.

GPS need to put on the green jersey and do it pro bono. I suspect they are charging an arm and a leg for the service

TFK is not the place for suspicions, go out and find out and come back to us.

This is a place for suspicions and outrageous statements not facts. Get with the program.

You dont get it fella.

You can’t prove anything woth facts 60% of people know that

It’s fucking disgraceful. What a pack of incompetent cunts.

I’m still going to Wexford for 10 days in May.

It would be lovely if you could sit outside and have a pint of Becks in your home town.

So we’ve received 520k and administered 440k as of Monday. That’s 60k they have to use before they ever get another shipment and they did less than 5k Monday. Good thing it’s not an emergency

The Moderna figure for Ireland looks right.

40800 vs 94800 for Belgium

For Pfizer, Ireland has 393120 vs 1,010,003 for Belgium. However the Belgium figure is taking into account a delivery on Monday. The figure for Ireland does not. 1,010,003 / 2.33 would be
433k doses of Pzfizer delivered to date for Ireland.

For AZ,

Ireland has 86,400 vs 415,200 for Belgium. However, same as Pfizer, this figure for Belgium is taking into account a delivery yesterday. The figure for Ireland does not. 415,200 / 2.33 would be 178k of AZ delivered to date.

178k + 433k+ 40.8k = 651,800

Simples :slight_smile:


These should be Pfizer / Moderna vaccines, so they can’t blame the AZ deliveries for that.

It’s all coming apart at the seams

Seams to be

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I called it.

People said I was overreacting last week but these pen pushing dickheads in the HSE and govt are fucking it all up.


If I get bored in work I might just do that.

The EU will end up sending Helmut over from Berlin to take over the rolling out of the vaccines because Paddy can’t be trusted to do it

That’s it. The headline numbers only show what’s made it into the country onto egghead’s forklift. We’ve know idea how long it takes to these to get to GPs.