Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Who would have guessed the highly paid middle management of NHETHSE who were happy to close down businesses would fuck up the vaccine roll out.

The only week that wasn’t a cluster fuck was the week when no vaccines were delivered anywhere. They were able to cope that week.


AZ are mugging us off

The Brits are at it again.

Give it Sputnik to end of pandemic.


Happy to publish daily updates on death rate, cases etc

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Ruh roh. The EU ain’t winning many friends

Fuck Australia.

Let em rot.

Time to leave the war mongering EU.

This isn’t what we signed up for.

Plan for next week is 84k. 60k will be first doses.

We’re scaling backwards :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Roll on 2023


Senior hurling.

In this case, I think the EU have valid grounds.

Haven’t the Brits done the exact same?

theyre obliged to under EU Reg

I think they are dipping into UK stock to meet the EU deliveries alright. (Or try to anyway)

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The 520k again


We’re going backwards… Lads talking about pubs, holidays, festivals… And we’re scaling back vaccinations .

I think it’s time to accept we gave it a good 100 years. We had ups, we had downs. We have laughs, we had tears… But it’s clear we’re not capable of going solo. No shame in admitting we’re not up to… but it’s time to lay down the hurleys, balaclavas and had in our Wolf Tone CDs and welcome the Tans back with open arms.

Those two don’t seem to like each other.