
I’ve never claimed to be a socialist - you stupid bastard.

You seem to be confusing “leap of the imagination” with “evidence”.

There is after all a probe into Russian collusion with Trumps election. That doesn’t make the allegation necessarily true, does it?

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I said pretend socialist you dimwit… you know, like the pretend socialists and pretend Republicans in your party.

That’s why I used the term “leap of imagination” and not evidence.

There is ample evidence that Maduro siphoned off hundreds of millions for family members which was laundered to offshore accounts. You can choose to believe or not whether he learned this behavior from the lad who hand picked him to succeed him.

I would say you are the type of individual who believes Chavez was clean and Russia stole the election from Hillary. An Occam’s razor denier in other words.

Would you say that?

Yes, yes I would.

You’re right of course. It might only be 4.2 million, or she might be a seamstress in downtown caracas. I suspect she’s not stuck for a few quid though, i also suspect propaganda plays a part here or elsewhere.

Grand so.

Saudi Royals holes are licked raw for banking all the money their country gets from oil and Chavez is a cunt because of it. Maybe if he was King Chavez he could have fleeced the country to his hearts content and had no sanctions



Is there a humanitarian crisis in Saudi, with millions starving and millions more fleeing the country? You’re comparing a somewhat benevolent medieval monarchy with a modern democracy that has been destroyed by socialist yobbos promising wealth for all and only delivering it only for themselves.

There is a reason why socialist (actual socialist not pretend) parties have close to zero support in countries with educated populations, like the US and Ireland. The only countries where left wing parties gain traction are places full of dimwits, like the UK.

I’d say Jamal Khasoggi might disagree with the “benevolent” part of that statement. If he was able to of course.

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Note how @anon7035031 has to try to redefine terms all the time to suit his arguments. :rollseyes:

“somewhat benevolent”, if you follow the rules.


Name calling is what he does best. Like a little child … I dont think anyone here has said that Chavez and co are not directly to blame for the fortunes of the country - only that the US has played a part in it…

He’s a very unstable man.

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It’s a distinction that needs making. A pretend socialist is generally a social democrat, I imagine you classify yourself as one. Social democracy has nothing to do with socialism, it is capitalism with social welfare programs. It’s a sensible compromise, even with the danger of creating a welfare state where depending on government assistance becomes more attractive than becoming productive.

Actual socialism is an economy run by the government and taken out of the hands of the private sector, an economy run by idiots like yourself in other words. It sounds wonderful to the naive until you actually see it in action.

You do more name calling than anyone on here (you clown)…

Glad to see you have benefited form the thread though and now say Chavez and co are directly responsible for the fortunes of the country. Stick around, you might learn some more.

All economies are run by the government

Please point us to a credible source for this where its not just spreculation.

They most certainly are not, although all modern capitalist countries have regulation of the economy by government, to a greater or lesser extent. The economy that generates wealth is run by the private sector. Government doesn’t create wealth, it consumes it (or wastes it in many cases).

Who runs the companies that the majority of people in Ireland work for, whether large multinationals or smaller companies?