Vincent Hogan

Fair enough but bit strange. Doubt the same fella would go to see Ireland playing. We might be crap at the moment but still our country.

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy have “we” any updates on “our” prospect “Harvey Elliot” and his potential transfer fee?


Very true but is it not a bit sad when you step back and look at it?

Getting seriously wound up, decorating your house in bunting and arguing about us and we down the pub with Irish man utd fans is pathetic, yes. Enjoying it for entertainment and following the fortunes of a team is harmless… But lads who think they are from Liverpool or Manchester and have no interest in Ireland and would look down on the LOI are sad alright… There’s plenty of lads who just enjoy it for what it is tho, bit of entertainment and banter.


Can they both not be cunts?

He’s not unique in Tipperary “journalistic” circles. Hackie is a worse sycophant. Wasn’t he calling out unbelievers as cunts after the Champions League final last year and he working for the LGFA.

Fogarty is another one. Isn’t he from a Tipperary background too?

He had an awful meltdown after the CL final alright, locked on Twitter

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Oh I agree, 100%. Definetely a bit of crack but that’s what it should be.

Fogarty is too, big article in Saturday’s examiner.

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Didn’t @Bandage have a spat over correspondence with Mr Hogan back in the very early days of TFK?

Champions! Champions! Champions!

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@Dubhub & @tazdedub get vry salty when you point this out to them

the evolution of Liverpool are shite, Klopp is a loser to why does anybody care about football/English teams.

It’s a textbook Psychological reaction as lads seek to make sense of their hurt.

From Dublin but family Tipp

Is Hogan actually from Tipp?

Or is he another Niall Quinn, a Dub who wouldn’t watch them in Parnell Park but a slavish devotion to Tipp hurling.

Niall Quinn played for Dublin so I think that’s a bit harsh. Also his family moved back to Tipp many years ago

Hogan is from Nenagh.

Not at all like a lad from Limerick who couldn’t be arsed going up to Dublin to watch Limerick in an All Ireland semi final, but has such a slavish devotion to a soccer team in Manchester, he’d travel to Sweden to watch them in some mickey mouse Cup final.

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Or a supposed Preston fan who follows a club from north London while also following Carlow.

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