Vincent Hogan

@ChairmanDan I suppose the fact they dropped away in the 60s, there was no bandwagon to jump on to then…

Lohan 1 Stooge 0


Lohan, nearly 30 years on, and still clearing house.

His ability to cut through the nonsense and not get drawn into these petty games in a joy to behold. I’d say he has nothing but contempt for a lot of the national media


What’s the background on the article?

The Sunday times had ran articles over a number of week about the state of Clare GAA and how Lohan was not receiving adequate support, the poor state of the centre of excellence, supporters club money unaccounted for etc.

Davy’s biographer then wrote a two page spread straight from the politburo defending their state of Clare gaa and he tried to set a narrative that Lohan was the one who was the issue.

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Where is this piece?

Behind paywall - your auld pal @peddlerscross said it was a very balanced piece at the time.

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Doesn’t seem to be much to this Press Ombudsman report in fairness.

Lohan given ample opportunities to put his side of the story forward but chose not to.

Okay, thanks very much, Thought a much more recent piece was in question – and could not locate any such piece online.

Usually comes across as a sound fella but hard to fathom how a stadium in Liverpool could be God’s place for a grown man from Tipperary.


Is he one of the “we” brigade?

Some lads like football franchises in foreign countries that much apparently

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Hated by real fans in England

Laughed at by irishmen
The footix


Jackie Cahill another Chipp weirdo with the same obsession


Deary me.

Amend that immediately before we’re all cancelled.

I believe it’s not a libellous statement so it shall remain as is

Hard to believe Hogan is married with kids.

People having sex whilst married shocker

Would be to a lot of us married folk