Vote Mick Wallace

Go to sleep you’re drunk

Oh Mick…

Go on…

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That T-shirt :man_facepalming:t2:

He thinks he’s the new Nigel Farage.

Well done Mick. Keep the fight for democracy going. :muscle: :muscle: :muscle:


Absolute legend.

Lads that mock Mick would be the same lads that vote for Sean Kelly who tweets about burgers after voting not to rescue refugees in the Med.


When apple, who contribute massively to the country dont pay tax you go mental, when wallace, who contributes nothing, dodges tax you think he’s a hero. Some lads are very easily led by populists. And yet they laugh at trump and brexit.


Mick has repaid his debt to the Irish tax payer through his trojan work highlighting incompetence and corruption in the Irish justice system. Two Garda commissioners and 2 Miniaters for Justice underestimated a man with a shabby t-shirt and paid the price with their jobs. We will be forever in his debt.

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Has he fuck. He’s a thief and a crook.


Mick was one of the best TDs in the last 2 Dails.

In fairness a monkey dressed in a pink t shirt could’ve delivered Clare Daly’s speeches and PQs. Mck got lucky finding her, she was a fine parliamentarian and a great loss

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A right tinker

Who got his vineyard

They have to go

We really send our best and brightest to Brussels. And Baghdad.

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Thank god for Sean Kelly