Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

Is there nationwide protests tomorrow or is it just Limerick?

The registration for Irish Water charges has now been extended till the end of November and the first bills wont appear until the end of January. I just don’t think Irish Water and the government are getting it, they could extend the registrations till hell freezes over, people are not going to sign up.


[QUOTE=“tazdedub, post: 1035742, member: 312”]The registration for Irish Water charges has now been extended till the end of November and the first bills wont appear until the end of January. I just don’t think Irish Water and the government are getting it, they could extend the registrations till hell freezes over, people are not going to sign up.


should have been a flat charge 120 euro payable by occupier if you have running water - TV Licence style

most people would have grumbled and then paid because it is so little

costs of setting this up and installing meters seems disproportionate to what average bills are set to be anyway

Crowd starting to build now at city hall. No sign of Chocolate Mice yet

He’s on his way with the olives and feta cheese

Great turnout …

Is that the princess front and centre in the navy coat and glasses?

About 10,000 I’d say.

Yep, and ChoccoMice in front of her in the blue shirt

He looks like he loves a good protest.

The people are rising up

Fairplay to all involved today in Limerick, stick it to the cunts

“Not a penny, Enda Kenny”

Are you all set for the marches tomorrow?

Stick your fees up your gees.

If you want clean water either sink a fucking well or pay for it. If you’re water is not to scratch then dont pay for it.

Cost me 3k to sink a well. cost about 80 euro per year to test it and another 100 per year to pump it.

Clean water costs money.

[QUOTE=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 1038635, member: 686”]If you want clean water either sink a fucking well or pay for it. If you’re water is not to scratch then dont pay for it.

Cost me 3k to sink a well. cost about 80 euro per year to test it and another 100 per year to pump it.

Clean water costs money.[/QUOTE]

You mug.

[QUOTE=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 1038635, member: 686”]If you want clean water either sink a fucking well or pay for it. If you’re water is not to scratch then dont pay for it.

Cost me 3k to sink a well. cost about 80 euro per year to test it and another 100 per year to pump it.

Clean water costs money.[/QUOTE]

You should be looking for a rebate for all those years that you were paying tax to fund water for the rest of the country.

Local FF councillor has mentioned he’s going to march tmrw after staying schtum for the last month on issue and attempting to nail Sinn Fein over Maria Cahill. I hope he gets ripped limb from limb.

No water am i paying for