Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs


[QUOTE=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 1038635, member: 686”]If you want clean water either sink a fucking well or pay for it. If you’re water is not to scratch then dont pay for it.

Cost me 3k to sink a well. cost about 80 euro per year to test it and another 100 per year to pump it.

Clean water costs money.[/QUOTE]

The lads who want everything handed on a plate for them free of charge are having a moment - don’t be interrupting them

Are sf running the protest or something? People don’t seem to have much confidence in them on this matter.

[QUOTE=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 1038635, member: 686”]If you want clean water either sink a fucking well or pay for it. If you’re water is not to scratch then dont pay for it.

Cost me 3k to sink a well. cost about 80 euro per year to test it and another 100 per year to pump it.

Clean water costs money.[/QUOTE]

I agree we should pay for water but irish water is a fucking fiasco. A flat fee in conjunction with the licence fee would have been easier to collect. The cost of administering allowances and tax rebates along with a cut for the fat cats takes a fucking giant cut out of the overall tax take on this. Pointless fucking shite.

By the way, what would a fella need to have in the nutribullet of a morning in order to be able to do a days well-sinking?

[QUOTE=“Juhniallio, post: 1038688, member: 53”]I agree we should pay for water but irish water is a fucking fiasco.

By the way, what would a fella need to have in the nutribullet of a morning in order to be able to do a days well-sinking?[/QUOTE]

Agreed. A complete fiasco. I’d expect nothing less from a Tipp civil servant who is out of his depth but happy to take the cash.

Just pointing out clean water is not free. By the way… I wouldn’t pay for water with fluoride added anyway.

I put a single lock off Gerry Macs mullet in the nutribullet that day.

[QUOTE=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 1038635, member: 686”]If you want clean water either sink a fucking well or pay for it. If you’re water is not to scratch then dont pay for it.

Cost me 3k to sink a well. cost about 80 euro per year to test it and another 100 per year to pump it.

Clean water costs money.[/QUOTE]

If they had to draw it they would appreciate it more.

[QUOTE=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 1038635, member: 686”]If you want clean water either sink a fucking well or pay for it. If you’re water is not to scratch then dont pay for it.

Cost me 3k to sink a well. cost about 80 euro per year to test it and another 100 per year to pump it.

Clean water costs money.[/QUOTE]
We do pay for it, pal. €2.4billion.

[QUOTE=“Juhniallio, post: 1038688, member: 53”]I agree we should pay for water but irish water is a fucking fiasco. A flat fee in conjunction with the licence fee would have been easier to collect. The cost of administering allowances and tax rebates along with a cut for the fat cats takes a fucking giant cut out of the overall tax take on this. Pointless fucking shite.


Agreed. They’ve made a right bollix of it.

They put the former head of a regional council in as the main man to run Irish water. Majority of the management vacancies were filled with former civies…

The outcome was predicable enough…

Water isn’t free. Its paid for and has been paid for by direct taxation for years.

As things stand now the only thing being paid for by direct taxation is public service wages.

This calculator here gives you a good idea of how much you personally pay each year for various services.


The big takers are health, social welfare (incl pensions) and education.

[QUOTE=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 1038703, member: 686”]They put the former head of a regional council in as the main man to run Irish water. Majority of the management vacancies were filled with former civies…

The outcome was predicable enough…[/QUOTE]

And told them they had to hold to all the existing water staff in each council for 12 yrs thereby removing one of the benefits of centralising it …

Normal Joe Soaps aren’t the ones wasting water. 40% of the water sent to home is lost through leaks before it ever gets there. With half of the money spent on setting up this gravy train and installing meters they could have fixed every leak in the country for the next 10 years.

If the real aim of this is to conserve such a precious natural resource then that’s what they should have done.

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 1038715, member: 1786”]

If the real aim of this is to conserve such a precious natural resource then that’s what they should have done.[/QUOTE]

The only thing those cunts in the Dail want to conserve is their precious pensions.

Grand wet day for protesting, will the crusties bring buckets & harvest a few litres for Enda?

The people have risen. Kenny must go.



[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 1038882, member: 1786”]The people have risen. Kenny must go.


Yea, cos Fianna Fail will make it all right again :smiley:

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 1038882, member: 1786”]The people have risen. Kenny must go.


How did @ChocolateMice 's speech go down?

Over a quarter of a million marched I’m hearing but RTE decided to cap it at 100k last night.

All the establishment parties are finished. They have been given countless chances and wasted them all.