Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

Theres an easy stroke to pull here to avoid any hassle, as was explained to me by an alright sort from wexford who was installing meters near me last week and swore that no way was he or any of his crew paying the charges. Im not going outlining it but ask any plumber ye know. Let the plebs and dubliners protest, as with the household charge country folk just wont pay and no biggie, the system works.

[QUOTE=“ChocolateMice, post: 1025534, member: 168”]So you are going to pay, mate?

Do we not already pay for water through other forms of taxation? Will we not be paying for it twice if so?[/QUOTE]

Batt won’t be paying. The scummy waterboys came around alright but Batt put paid to their plans. Left the car parked in the way and went to work with one of the lads. We have agreed that when the cuntish waterboys turn up at his house Batt will return the favour.

I wonder does @redman pay for water or is he still drawing it from the local standing pipe to his little hovel?

An alright sort installing meters? Cunts, every one of them.

[QUOTE=“ChocolateMice, post: 1025554, member: 168”]What kind of powers ? ANd going back to my earlier question, if the Irish tax payers already pay for water why should they pay for it twice? Especially given the state of the current service?!

Thanks in advance.[/QUOTE]

Physical force.

Is that not what the Gardai are for?

If the money raised is used to repair all the leaking pipes then I don’t see a problem with the charges. If. And what’s wrong with meters? Why shouldn’t those who use more, pay more?

Tis true, country brother in law has already sussed it…he will pay but fuck all compared to what he should.

Like WTB I support water charges. We should pay for it do it so its not wasted. BUT…The problem with this country is we use to pay huge income tax but get all services free, bins, water, no house rates etc… which was fair, it should be one or the other… Now we pay huge income tax and then pay all of these other new charges as well, and pay huge Vat which hits everyone rich or poor.

It’s the massive waste in where these taxes get spent that is the problem and the huge expenses, salaries, cronyism in the Dail, Senate, Councils… Case in point is our ‘health service’ where the have gots i.e health insurance get seen to where the poor, even after paying their share of PRSI for years are fucked on and told to get in line and wait wait wait…

Also this week was the story of the €57k for that councillor who lost his seat…unbelievable. But he’ll probably run again and get in because deep down it’s all our faults as a society. Only the government can change these things and *we keep voting the same gombeens and schoolteachers in to look after the greasy till brigade…

*I don’t.

Can we restrict this thread to people who actually contribute to irish society, ie those who will pay the full water charges and those of us who will pay a fraction of what we should. Non contributors not welcome.

I own a property in Ireland. I’m registered. What’s your problem, mate? I hear Brian Cody is registered already.

I sent Elizabeth Arnett a shite in the post this morning, that’s my protest over.

The problem, as usual in this country, is that so much of the money that we will pay will be wasted on paying for fools on the board and these useless cunts will waste millions on consultants while half the water leaks into the ground. I don’t have a problem paying for water per se but the way it is currently set up is a bit of a farce. But, just like Choco, I will just bend over and pay it when the time comes and then piss and moan about it in the pub later.

[QUOTE=“Ebeneezer Goode, post: 1025565, member: 1785”]Tis true, country brother in law has already sussed it…he will pay but fuck all compared to what he should.

Like WTB I support water charges. We should pay for it do it so its not wasted. BUT…The problem with this country is we use to pay huge income tax but get all services free, bins, water, no house rates etc… which was fair, it should be one or the other… Now we pay huge income tax and then pay all of these other new charges as well, and pay huge Vat which hits everyone rich or poor.

It’s the massive waste in where these taxes get spent that is the problem and the huge expenses, salaries, cronyism in the Dail, Senate, Councils… Case in point is our ‘health service’ where the have gots i.e health insurance get seen to where the poor, even after paying their share of PRSI for years are fucked on and told to get in line and wait wait wait…

Also this week was the story of the €57k for that councillor who lost his seat…unbelievable. But he’ll probably run again and get in because deep down it’s all our faults as a society. Only the government can change these things and *we keep voting the same gombeens and schoolteachers in to look after the greasy till brigade…

*I don’t.[/QUOTE]
Ya don’t pay huge income tax though. Ye also get universal childrens allowance, and tax free allowance.
The second part I heartily agree with.


[QUOTE=“flattythehurdler, post: 1025614, member: 1170”]Ya don’t pay huge income tax though. Ye also get universal childrens allowance, and tax free allowance.
The second part I heartily agree with.[/QUOTE]

Income tax + universal social charge + PRSI…

It is a huge %.


The problem, which no one has touched on yet on this thread, is that this “service” will be privatised.

[QUOTE=“Batt the Ladd, post: 1025556, member: 1578”]Batt won’t be paying. The scummy waterboys came around alright but Batt put paid to their plans. Left the car parked in the way and went to work with one of the lads. We have agreed that when the cuntish waterboys turn up at his house Batt will return the favour.

I wonder does @redman pay for water or is he still drawing it from the local standing pipe to his little hovel?[/QUOTE]

@redman had already paid for his water by way of sinking his own well and putting in his own septic tank some years back when he built his house.
Regarding your “cunning plan” @boldrick its been tried already by one of those unemployed layabouts lately and failed. They tunnelled under the car I believe.

A question on the charges - if the installers have been unable to find the inlet to install the meter, what happens?

Cant find it at my house

[QUOTE=“ciarancareyshurlingarmy, post: 1025994, member: 464”]A question on the charges - if the installers have been unable to find the inlet to install the meter, what happens?

Cant find it at my house[/QUOTE]

You’ll be charged the assessed rate.

PM, le do thoil.

yeah…they shouldn’t be doing that to the taxpayers…they should stay on the dole instead …