Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

pm, pal.

‘‘A Guard in Foxhill today told a resident that the northside Gardai are refusing to work at the ‪#‎IrishWater‬ protests and that he was drafted in from Crumlin under the threat of suspension if he refused…mutiny in the rank and file Gardai coming’’

Not just an IT heavyweight but a source of essential information for the common man. Thanks

[QUOTE=“redman, post: 1025667, member: 1731”]@redman had already paid for his water by way of sinking his own well and putting in his own septic tank some years back when he built his house.
Regarding your “cunning plan” @boldrick its been tried already by one of those unemployed layabouts lately and failed. They tunnelled under the car I believe.[/QUOTE]

Must be some size of septic tank to take the amount of shit that comes out of you.

Don’t be worrying your little head about Batt’s cunning plan. It has worked and will continue to work.

[QUOTE=“Batt the Ladd, post: 1026068, member: 1578”]Must be some size of septic tank to take the amount of shit that comes out of you.

Don’t be worrying your little head about Batt’s cunning plan. It has worked and will continue to work.[/QUOTE]

best of luck with that @baldrick i’m sure you’re a right hero with the lads in the estate as ye carpool to the dole office.
but make sure you have someone keeping sketch in your front yard when your off signing on.

Sounds like bullshit to me

Atta boy @baldrick.
A plan so cunning you could pin a tail on it and call it a weasel. :clap: :smiley:


[QUOTE=“redman, post: 1026079, member: 1731”]best of luck with that @baldrick i’m sure you’re a right hero with the lads in the estate as ye carpool to the dole office.
but make sure you have someone keeping sketch in your front yard when your off signing on.

Aw thanks, so glad someone cares. Don’t know if the lads think I’m a hero or not but they do like me for sure.

Do tell, what is a ‘sketch’? And I don’t have a front yard, it’s a perfectly manicured garden which I spend many hours in in lieu of working to pay taxes. Lots of different shrubs and trees in there but the one thing I don’t have is a bitter lemon tree. I hear they do well in Tipp soil, is that true? Calling it a ‘front yard’ just exposes you as the inbred muck savage you are.

[QUOTE=“Batt the Ladd, post: 1026087, member: 1578”]Aw thanks, so glad someone cares. Don’t know if the lads think I’m a hero or not but they do like me for sure.

Do tell, what is a ‘sketch’? And I don’t have a front yard, it’s a perfectly manicured garden which I spend many hours in in lieu of working to pay taxes. Lots of different shrubs and trees in there but the one thing I don’t have is a bitter lemon tree. I hear they do well in Tipp soil, is that true? Calling it a ‘front yard’ just exposes you as the inbred muck savage you are.[/QUOTE]

ye never won nothin’
how the fuck do you expect to beat irish water? :smiley:
sure all you have to do is move the caravan away from the meter anyway.

[QUOTE=“Rintintin, post: 1025535, member: 207”]I will not be paying as my manor dwelling has it’s own water source and waste treatment plant.

P.S. It is not a charge for water, it is a charge for services to supply water.[/QUOTE]

Will your local County council will be getting the details to this effect from Irish water… courtesy of a big fcuk off to data protection… Does the form of the office in Portarlington indicate that Ms Dixon will hold the party line just like her predecessor Mr Hawkes. In 5-6 months (perhaps 12?) is it conceivable that you will get a sweet little letter asking you to stump up for an annual ‘local pump registration charge’ or something equally snotty. Could it be naive to believe that they (local or central government) will leave a revenue source from X00,000 homes untapped??


The form asks if you have your own well and septic tank, and if you do you don’t fill out the other details other than name and address. I can’t see how they could ever charge when you are self sufficient.


Ah here!

@baldrick will fit in just fine with these productive citizens :smiley:


Get out of here you, you fascist.

The common man being sneered at and looked down on as usual when they try to stand up for themselves in Ireland. They’ve been shit upon and downtrodden for ever and a day. Exact same attitude would have existed in middle ireland during the 1913 Lockout.

Hear, hear.

Middle Ireland loves lubing up and being shafted. It’s a national pastime.

I’ve decided to fight them and am gonna attend the next meeting in Limerick.

Nice assessment… Funny enough this is actually part of our culture from the beginning.

fucking hell. there really are some thick people out there. the stupid cunt ‘I’m making a citizens arrest of this guard’. would you go and fuck you stupid bastard. How the gardai keep their patience with these fucking retards who think they know the law from what they hear down the pub would make you cringe.

there’s another video doing the rounds in the last day or so of a couple of shetland ponies being taken away from finglas and all the scobes going around after the gaurds again in that one.