Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

The Gov’t have come out with an idea, an independent review of bonuses in IW. It will benchmark the bonuses against bonuses in other areas.

pay away quislings


yes. now do you want to give an opinion if you think the ordinary protester who is doing their bit is being swayed by the ones who are going a step too far. or do you think the new wave of “peaceful protesting” is the way things should be done?

yes. now do you want to give an opinion if you think the ordinary protester who is doing their bit is being swayed by the ones who are going a step too far. or do you think the new wave of “peaceful protesting” is the way things should be done?[/QUOTE]

defintely. Its working

the govt are fucked

No one wants water charges. It’s positive that the mostly peaceful protests have had an effect as the charges are being reduced to what most people would consider a reasonable level. 76 quid for a house with one adult - 1.50 a week won’t cripple anyone.

People are fed up with all these charges though. One tax after another. What grates with me is that the most vocal critics of the water charges are fuckers who don’t work and don’t seem to have worked much in their life. Happy to scrounge off the working poor who are put to the pin of their collar every month trying to pay the mortgage, rent, child care, education etc.

People have had enough, cut after cut after cut in wages but it’s a bit rich for people who live off the state - and have no intention of ever getting work - to be moaning about a charge that they’ll never have to pay. I’m against these charges too but some of these protestors like Coppinger and Paul Murphy would give you a pain in the hole. It’s always the Government’s fault - whoever is in charge.

[QUOTE=“dodgy-keeper, post: 1046979, member: 1552”]No one wants water charges. It’s positive that the mostly peaceful protests have had an effect as the charges are being reduced to what most people would consider a reasonable level. 76 quid for a house with one adult - 1.50 a week won’t cripple anyone.

People are fed up with all these charges though. One tax after another. What grates with me is that the most vocal critics of the water charges are fuckers who don’t work and don’t seem to have worked much in their life. Happy to scrounge off the working poor who are put to the pin of their collar every month trying to pay the mortgage, rent, child care, education etc.

People have had enough, cut after cut after cut in wages but it’s a bit rich for people who live off the state - and have no intention of ever getting work - to be moaning about a charge that they’ll never have to pay. I’m against these charges too but some of these protestors like Coppinger and Paul Murphy would give you a pain in the hole. It’s always the Government’s fault - whoever is in charge.[/QUOTE]

Its logical for the poorest and most disadvantaged to be the most vocal

it may have eave escaped your mind but the politicans, the bankers, the auditors and the property developers ruined this nation, mass emmigration and unemployment followed. It saddens me that the unfortunate few on the dole queqe irk you so much and that you feel they should shut up and wallow in their own self pity

Some lads are getting very precious about protesters blocking cars or banging a hand off a car. Clowns.


Labour are fucked

[QUOTE=“The Selfish Giant, post: 1046877, member: 80”]& again

let the powerful fuck over the poor

you disgust me & ill be urging Mac to ditch you as a bessier[/QUOTE]

I’ll ditch the employment snob when you ditch Fermanagh Dave and The Cisco Kid.

[QUOTE=“Elvis Brandenberg Kremmen, post: 1046865, member: 1624”]

I would class myself as a floating voter although I’ve never voted for a Fine Gael candidate. In the past I’ve voed Labour, FF and Independent. Next time out, I don’t know which way I’ll go as there appears to be no viable opposition. Labour will get tanked, FF will not gain anywhere near enough to be the major coalition partner and I think SF have feet of clay. You’re looking at a Dail where FF and FG will both be around the 50-seat mark, SF will have in the region of 20-25, Labour will hold 15 or so with approx 20-odd Independents. A clusterfuck waiting to happen.[/QUOTE]

I can help you Elvis.
You will vote Labour. You will think come election time that they are being unfairly treated and don’t deserve to be wiped out. You were never a FG voter and that won’t change come 2016. FF might get a good preference vote from you and ideally you’d like to see them lead government next time out. You wouldn’t touch SF or socialists with a forty foot barge pole. Pseudo economics and they don’t live in the real world.
In 2020 you’ll vote FF as you fear Labour might consider going into government with Sinn Fein.
In the 2023 snap election you’ll stick with FF and no longer consider yourself a floating voter.
In 2029 in a remarkable move you’ll vote FG. You see FG as party best suited to attack the loony left and you think they are strong on law and order (which is of importance to you now). You despise RSF and consider them to have feet of clay.
In 2031 you will join FF as you are sick of cluster fuck politics.

From there who knows.

are you cracking up pal?..I can’t help but notice you are arguing with many different people in many different environments today…

your obsessed with Bandage

my obsessed what?..i’m worried about the heavyset wexican…he’s fighting all across the internet today…

carry on then

+1. He follows me around the forum like a lost puppy, the absolute gimp.

think you’ll find it was you who started our interaction today…but go ahead with your band of merry men talking bollox… you are a worm…

[QUOTE=“Raymond Crotty, post: 1047001, member: 25”]I can help you Elvis.
You will vote Labour. You will think come election time that they are being unfairly treated and don’t deserve to be wiped out. You were never a FG voter and that won’t change come 2016. FF might get a good preference vote from you and ideally you’d like to see them lead government next time out. You wouldn’t touch SF or socialists with a forty foot barge pole. Pseudo economics and they don’t live in the real world.
In 2020 you’ll vote FF as you fear Labour might consider going into government with Sinn Fein.
In the 2023 snap election you’ll stick with FF and no longer consider yourself a floating voter.
In 2029 in a remarkable move you’ll vote FG. You see FG as party best suited to attack the loony left and you think they are strong on law and order (which is of importance to you now). You despise RSF and consider them to have feet of clay.
In 2031 you will join FF as you are sick of cluster fuck politics.

From there who knows.[/QUOTE]

Interesting Raymond. Thanks for that.

You could be right all the way up to 2029 although I won’t be voting Labour next time.

Wouldn’t quite agree about despising RSF. My father would be a staunch republican, from a long line of them. My mother’s side would be more traditional Fianna Fail so it was always interesting round our house (apart from both parents mutual loathing of Fine Gael). I’m a self-employed professional so a pollster would probably class me as belonging to the FG constituency.

What am I saying? I love clusterfuck politics!

[QUOTE=“Raymond Crotty, post: 1047001, member: 25”]I can help you Elvis.
You will vote Labour. You will think come election time that they are being unfairly treated and don’t deserve to be wiped out. You were never a FG voter and that won’t change come 2016. FF might get a good preference vote from you and ideally you’d like to see them lead government next time out. You wouldn’t touch SF or socialists with a forty foot barge pole. Pseudo economics and they don’t live in the real world.
In 2020 you’ll vote FF as you fear Labour might consider going into government with Sinn Fein.
In the 2023 snap election you’ll stick with FF and no longer consider yourself a floating voter.
In 2029 in a remarkable move you’ll vote FG. You see FG as party best suited to attack the loony left and you think they are strong on law and order (which is of importance to you now). You despise RSF and consider them to have feet of clay.
In 2031 you will join FF as you are sick of cluster fuck politics.

From there who knows.[/QUOTE]

This is why we need a whole new system in Ireland- Not because of Elvis- but all the other bullshit that goes with party politics. It’s inevitable that this system of governance will die out, but we don’t have a tradition of acting in this country, just re-acting, so it will take another 50 years after the bigger nations do away with it before we even contemplate it.

School teachers, GAA men and general do gooders have no business running a country - our future problems are technological and economical. I hope these riots continue and descend in to total fucking anarchy and most of the current dail are blown up in the process. Of course Gerry Adams will survive but will have to be largely rebuilt from robotic parts due to the horrific burns he will suffer before going on the rule the country forever.

[QUOTE=“ChocolateMice, post: 1047025, member: 168”]This is why we need a whole new system in Ireland- Not because of Elvis- but all the other bullshit that goes with party politics. It’s inevitable that this system of governance will die out, but we don’t have a tradition of acting in this country, just re-acting, so it will take another 50 years after the bigger nations do away with it before we even contemplate it.

School teachers, GAA men and general do gooders have no business running a country - our future problems are technological and economical. I hope these riots continue and descend in to total fucking anarchy and most of the current dail are blown up in the process. Of course Gerry Adams will survive but will have to be largely rebuilt from robotic parts due to the horrific burns he will suffer before going on the rule the country forever.[/QUOTE]

oddly enough the cry back home in queensland is that its all professionals and the intellignesia in politics and they are out of touch with the common man

€160 for 2 parent households and other such households and €60 for single parent households ( after €100 allownace comes into play for both) capped until 2019… what happens after this tho??