Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 1047398, member: 1786”]This is the biggest climb down in the history of the state.
Well done to @ChocolateMice & myself.[/QUOTE]

What did you do? We know the mouse didn’t bother protesting and went to sell his wallpaper paste hummus to an unsuspecting public.

I provided online support and was actually pretty close to going to one of the protests except it started raining.

Good man. I beeped the horn in support when I passed one of the protests.


We are modern day heroes.

So the public do suspect your hummus is muck?

It’s award winning.

Do people who are sickness or disabled pay

Not sure Joe… But I presume it will be the lower end if they are unemployed.

We have to upgrade the water system, the way this was done and the money wasted on the quango is the disgrace here. They simply could have levied everyone 100 euro on top of their electricity bills, everyone has electricity accounts so none of this registration quagmire.

The real issue is that the illiterate scum at the bottom of society will now be out roaring when the government makes a decision their simple minds can’t comprehend, they just follow the pipers tune of everything is wrong and no to everything. The pipers being their privately educated ringleaders Mcdonald and Murphy. We have a society of shriekers at the bottom who’s lives on welfare mean any demand on them to pay for anything will be robustly opposed, a professional class at the top of whom the legal and accounting sectors make money regardless of what happens, not to mention the bankers all of whom are still in employment despite running an economy into the ground. While lower middle class suckers like me pay for the lower class and are laughed at by both.

Good fàgen will be happy

[QUOTE=“maroonandwhite, post: 1047564, member: 1406”]We have to upgrade the water system, the way this was done and the money wasted on the quango is the disgrace here. They simply could have levied everyone 100 euro on top of their electricity bills, everyone has electricity accounts so none of this registration quagmire.

The real issue is that the illiterate scum at the bottom of society will now be out roaring when the government makes a decision their simple minds can’t comprehend, they just follow the pipers tune of everything is wrong and no to everything. The pipers being their privately educated ringleaders Mcdonald and Murphy. We have a society of shriekers at the bottom who’s lives on welfare mean any demand on them to pay for anything will be robustly opposed, a professional class at the top of whom the legal and accounting sectors make money regardless of what happens, not to mention the bankers all of whom are still in employment despite running an economy into the ground. While lower middle class suckers like me pay for the lower class and are laughed at by both.[/QUOTE]

Where do you start with that shit??

Pied Pipers? Surely that was Labour with its Labours way or Frankfurts way, or it’s pledge not to introduce water charges or FG when they promised reform and new politics but all those promises were thrown aside while Noonan implemented all FF policies while the Troika stood over watching.

The difference is that people believe there are now choices and FG and Labour have chosen the wrong ones. They have sought to look after the wealthy while hitting the poorest.

And by they way have you not noticed a lot of the protestors are women and middle aged women at that who have showed real guts on the streets, is it they can do it, cos their husbands are working those ‘lower middle class’ jobs although they would say they’re working class jobs.

With that, can you explain what constitutes lower middle class and lower class?

Also, if you do ever end up out of a job will you please post want its like to live on €190 a week…and if thats not bad enough, then be asked to pay a water charge which is the same as your neighbour earning 200k a year.

[QUOTE=“Ebeneezer Goode, post: 1047588, member: 1785”]Where do you start with that shit??

Pied Pipers? Surely that was Labour with its Labours way or Frankfurts way, or it’s pledge not to introduce water charges or FG when they promised reform and new politics but all those promises were thrown aside while Noonan implemented all FF policies while the Troika stood over watching.

The difference is that people believe there are now choices and FG and Labour have chosen the wrong ones. They have sought to look after the wealthy while hitting the poorest.

And by they way have you not noticed a lot of the protestors are women and middle aged women at that who have showed real guts on the streets, is it they can do it, cos their husbands are working those ‘lower middle class’ jobs although they would say they’re working class jobs.

With that, can you explain what constitutes lower middle class and lower class?

Also, if you do ever end up out of a job will you please post want its like to live on €190 a week…and if thats not bad enough, then be asked to pay a water charge which is the same as your neighbour earning 200k a year.[/QUOTE]

Well how do people survive on half that in the uk? The purpose of the dole is a measure to keep people going while they are searching for a job. Not the realistic long term life style choice it seems to be for thousands of people now.

The lower class I’m talking about are the long term unemployed, the ones that were unemployed, by choice in the Celtic tiger years, the hand out merchants. The lower middle class are tax payers.

Do you think your heroes mary Lou and Murphy are doing anything other than laughing their heads off at the constituents who voted them in. At least the shinners have a slight possibility of getting into government, where they will show they are just as if not more incompetent than other parties, Murphy will never have any power or responsibility so can pretend to protest at everything, and not actually have to deliver anything for his constituents.

What’s this shit about women showing real guts? Some retard jumping in front of the taoiseachs car and sinn fein and Eirigies full time social media troops going on about how she was nearly killed and claiming the guards actions were an attack on democracy, while Murphy thinks holding an elected politician hostage for 12 hours is perfectly democratic.

What ‘choices’ do the ‘people’ now have by the way? If you think degenerates in tallaght attacking politicians is a mass movement dream on, most ordinary decent people are disgusted by the thugs that are at these meter protests. People were right to protest the setting up of irish water, but it’s only reasonable that the water system is upgraded and people pay something. Or does the dole for lifer ever pay for anything in your eyes, because he’ll never earn as much as his 100k neighbour.

[QUOTE=“ChocolateMice, post: 1047413, member: 168”]I’ve all the taps on there for the last 20 minutes and i’ll leave them on for the night.

Up your hole @myboyblue[/USER] , [USER=109]@Mac[/USER] , [USER=110]@Fran[/USER] , [USER=207]@Rintintin[/USER] , [USER=2272]@TheUlteriorMotive[/USER] , [USER=182]@Bisto[/USER] , [USER=2390]@giloppy[/USER] , [USER=553]@Kid Chocolate[/USER] , [USER=1441]@Onthesod[/USER] , [USER=332]@Julio Geordio[/USER] , [USER=1783]@The Most Infamous[/USER] , [USER=122]@dancarter[/USER] , [USER=183]@Sidney

You cunts took one hell of a beating.

The rest of this forum can be very proud of themselves today. This is just the beginning.[/QUOTE]

What beating did I take? I’ve not returned any forms to Irish water nor will I be. I’ve gained from this if anything.

This issue is huge and could bring down this government. These events are unprecedented in my lifetime.

Another big scandal here is that analog water meters were installed. They should have installed digital meters.

Clearly a friend of irish water and Fine Gael has picked up some meters and got the contract to install them. Clue = DOB.

What is the most troubling of all is that these idiots are in charge of the country!!!


[QUOTE=“ProjectX, post: 1047592, member: 1742”]This issue is huge and could bring down this government. These events are unprecedented in my lifetime.

Another big scandal here is that analog water meters were installed. They should have installed digital meters.

Clearly a friend of irish water and Fine Gael has picked up some meters and got the contract to install them. Clue = DOB.

What is the most troubling of all is that these idiots are in charge of the country!!!


Complete idiots. And the alternative is…what exactly? The previous corrupt idiots? the shady crooked criminally active idiots? A collection of freaks like daly and Wallace?

[QUOTE=“maroonandwhite, post: 1047589, member: 1406”]Well how do people survive on half that in the uk? The purpose of the dole is a measure to keep people going while they are searching for a job. Not the realistic long term life style choice it seems to be for thousands of people now.

The lower class I’m talking about are the long term unemployed, the ones that were unemployed, by choice in the Celtic tiger years, the hand out merchants. The lower middle class are tax payers.

Do you think your heroes mary Lou and Murphy are doing anything other than laughing their heads off at the constituents who voted them in. At least the shinners have a slight possibility of getting into government, where they will show they are just as if not more incompetent than other parties, Murphy will never have any power or responsibility so can pretend to protest at everything, and not actually have to deliver anything for his constituents.

What’s this shit about women showing real guts? Some retard jumping in front of the taoiseachs car and sinn fein and Eirigies full time social media troops going on about how she was nearly killed and claiming the guards actions were an attack on democracy, while Murphy thinks holding an elected politician hostage for 12 hours is perfectly democratic.

What ‘choices’ do the ‘people’ now have by the way? If you think degenerates in tallaght attacking politicians is a mass movement dream on, most ordinary decent people are disgusted by the thugs that are at these meter protests. People were right to protest the setting up of irish water, but it’s only reasonable that the water system is upgraded and people pay something. Or does the dole for lifer ever pay for anything in your eyes, because he’ll never earn as much as his 100k neighbour.[/QUOTE]

Whatever about dole people, it is the public sector employees (don’t want to call them workers) that are a much greater problem for the private sector workers.

We need to put an earnings and pensions limit on these people. Their purpose is to serve the working people of Ireland.


[QUOTE=“ProjectX, post: 1047594, member: 1742”]Whatever about dole people, it is the public sector employees (don’t want to call them workers) that are a much greater problem for the private sector workers.

We need to put an earnings and pensions limit on these people. Their purpose is to serve the working people of Ireland.


Absolutely, no one in the public sector should earn more than 90k, it’s not like they are going to be headhunted overseas. I’m not sure what you mean by pension limit, and while the amount of admin staff in all departments is stupidly excessive and should be cut, we can’t cut health staff or emergency services staff numbers without an associated lack of service. I’d be all on for scrapping the army completely though.

Public service workers and dole people are in the same category, both are a cost to the private sector workers.

A system that makes sense is for public sector workers to be paid a weekly dole plus 25 euro each week. This would encourage them to show up for work. If they don’t like those terms, we could get other dole recipients to do the job instead.


[QUOTE=“maroonandwhite, post: 1047589, member: 1406”]Well how do people survive on half that in the uk? The purpose of the dole is a measure to keep people going while they are searching for a job. Not the realistic long term life style choice it seems to be for thousands of people now.

The lower class I’m talking about are the long term unemployed, the ones that were unemployed, by choice in the Celtic tiger years, the hand out merchants. The lower middle class are tax payers.

Do you think your heroes mary Lou and Murphy are doing anything other than laughing their heads off at the constituents who voted them in. At least the shinners have a slight possibility of getting into government, where they will show they are just as if not more incompetent than other parties, Murphy will never have any power or responsibility so can pretend to protest at everything, and not actually have to deliver anything for his constituents.

What’s this shit about women showing real guts? Some retard jumping in front of the taoiseachs car and sinn fein and Eirigies full time social media troops going on about how she was nearly killed and claiming the guards actions were an attack on democracy, while Murphy thinks holding an elected politician hostage for 12 hours is perfectly democratic.

What ‘choices’ do the ‘people’ now have by the way? If you think degenerates in tallaght attacking politicians is a mass movement dream on, most ordinary decent people are disgusted by the thugs that are at these meter protests. People were right to protest the setting up of irish water, but it’s only reasonable that the water system is upgraded and people pay something. Or does the dole for lifer ever pay for anything in your eyes, because he’ll never earn as much as his 100k neighbour.[/QUOTE]
Are you for real?? The problem is clearly at the top mate… It’s the system. We elect people who promise to do things they can’t fulfill. We then spend the next few years willing them to fail and going from scandal to scandal to sell papers and fill news slots until the next election… It’s a fucking joke… It’s barbaric. How can a society progress under such a system? We will achieve nothing until professional politicians are a thing of the past. By all means elect people to represent us… But these should be elders who have excelled in a positions over a life time and they should only deal with ethical questions. Let economists, engineers and technicians run the country. The likes of you and @Mac can still elect the Healy Raes to local committees which plan festivals involving goats and the likes.