Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

[SIZE=6]Two further ‘menacing’ death threats made against Minister Alan Kelly[/SIZE]


He seems to attract a lot of death threats. When he was litigating a right of way dispute against his next door pensioner neighbour last year, he was also talking about death threats he was subjected to. Those death threats presumably were at a point in time long before he ever became a particularly well known national figure.


They’ll be the only thing standing between the cunts in power/garda stasichana and the people when things get worse.
The cops cannot be trusted, so the army, if they serve no other purpose, should be the bulwark that protects the population against absolute power and corruption.

Post of the year.
Other suggestions

  • You HAVE to go thru a local council career to be put forward for national positions
  • Your constituents, if unhappy with the work you are doing for them, can recall you to answer questions on whatever matters, and then if needed can have another election with alternative candidates for that one seat. A significant petition would be needed for this recall though. You always need to be answerable to your electorate. Local issues first, national 2nd.
  • a system where individuals can vote outside te party line has to be introduced. Just because you are part of a party doesn’t mean you are going to agree on everything with leaders or a majority. The consequences of not towing the line seem to harsh now. Some kind of mechanism needs to allow a party member vote differently. A vote for a FF TD in Dublin may mean something different to a FF TD in rural Kerry.

[QUOTE=“Piles Hussain, post: 1047626, member: 363”]They’ll be the only thing standing between the cunts in power/garda stasichana and the people when things get worse.
The cops cannot be trusted, so the army, if they serve no other purpose, should be the bulwark that protects the population against absolute power and corruption.[/QUOTE]

Are you suggesting that if the guards throw another woman against the bollards the army should begin shooting them and politicians? Or how else do ypu forsee this bulwark, a coup?

Because while some of them are corrupt the guards are not going to overthrow the government or control the people, they dont have the numbers, they arent armed and they dont have the intention. So you admit the armys sole purpose at the cost of billions is as a safety in case a virtually impossible situation occurs? Its certainly not to defend our national territory they couldn’t defend one beach for one day. If its to fill international obligations for peacekeeping we could keep 500 or so rangers and officers, or just not and funnel some of the billions we’ll save into aid.

Politics is a complete joke in this country i think as you might have noticed from my subsequent posts from the one you quoted. Its a closed shop where once you’re in the door you’re integrated into the clique and you’re sole purpose is re election. This means you focus on local issues and dont care about national policy. If you are in the position of your seat being safe and or pension secure you feather your nest and those around you with board positions grants bribes etc safe in the knowledge that if you are seen to take care of locals you will be reelected, theres no honour like in the uk where politicians resign at the hint of corruption, theres no pressure to.

That john crowne, who comes across as a tosser, nevertheless had the right idea where councils should be strengthened and given control of local utilities and taxes etc while a national government is selected from a long list of candidates in a seperate election, these being people whose sole purpose is to legislative and direct foreign policy etc. As small as this country is we’re still too big to be one political entity, federation style governance is the answer. Do people in dublin care about rural issues, no way and vice versa, same with cork and donegal etc

Politics corrupts all over the world so there should be as little government influence as possible. Because of our in built inflated sense of self worth we are stuck with far more politicians than we need for our population, and we’ve blown the chance to reform the system that was there after the crash.

Have said before - well funded Citizens Information Centres would do away with need for 50% of TDs

While a good idea in theory, it would cause even more corruption and legislative stagnation

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 1047637, member: 273”]Post of the year.
Other suggestions

  • You HAVE to go thru a local council career to be put forward for national positions
  • Your constituents, if unhappy with the work you are doing for them, can recall you to answer questions on whatever matters, and then if needed can have another election with alternative candidates for that one seat. A significant petition would be needed for this recall though. You always need to be answerable to your electorate. Local issues first, national 2nd.
  • a system where individuals can vote outside te party line has to be introduced. Just because you are part of a party doesn’t mean you are going to agree on everything with leaders or a majority. The consequences of not towing the line seem to harsh now. Some kind of mechanism needs to allow a party member vote differently. A vote for a FF TD in Dublin may mean something different to a FF TD in rural Kerry.[/QUOTE]
    The opposite really Kev. Local politics coming first is a large part of the problem in Ireland. The best interests of running the country is very often at odds with looking after a constituency. There should be more seperation of local and national politics. More powers for local councils I think, with a greater degree of seperation for national politicians. Although I like your accountability idea even if I don’t think it would work in practice.

[QUOTE=“maroonandwhite, post: 1047639, member: 1406”]Are you suggesting that if the guards throw another woman against the bollards the army should begin shooting them and politicians? Or how else do ypu forsee this bulwark, a coup?

Because while some of them are corrupt the guards are not going to overthrow the government or control the people, they dont have the numbers, they arent armed and they dont have the intention. So you admit the armys sole purpose at the cost of billions is as a safety in case a virtually impossible situation occurs? Its certainly not to defend our national territory they couldn’t defend one beach for one day. If its to fill international obligations for peacekeeping we could keep 500 or so rangers and officers, or just not and funnel some of the billions we’ll save into aid.[/QUOTE]

I was lumping the guards and government together as the oppressors of the people, and the army as the bulwark against the corruption of that power. The guards overthrow the government? Why would they do that when they can bust heads for them and their paymasters.
You’re probably right though. This kind of scenario is virtually impossible.
Although, military coups should always be a deterrent to the incompetent governing of a country. Having an apolitical army could be handy. Wait until Turkey goes full on Sharia. They’ll be begging for the old secular army heads to be back in charge then.

[QUOTE=“Piles Hussain, post: 1047654, member: 363”]I was lumping the guards and government together as the oppressors of the people, and the army as the bulwark against the corruption of that power. The guards overthrow the government? Why would they do that when they can bust heads for them and their paymasters.
You’re probably right though. This kind of scenario is virtually impossible.
Although, military coups should always be a deterrent to the incompetent governing of a country. Having an apolitical army could be handy. Wait until Turkey goes full on Sharia. They’ll be begging for the old secular army heads to be back in charge then.[/QUOTE]

Ill take incompetent governing over the whim of some unelected Army commander any day, there has to be a better checks and balances system than such a threat. The army fulfils an almost constitutional role in Turkey and always has since ataturk. It works well.
People are getting active and motivated and thats a good thing, now if some intelligent and right thinking people could form a party, harnass the anger and save us from sinn fein the water protests might have done real good for society.

[QUOTE=“maroonandwhite, post: 1047664, member: 1406”]Ill take incompetent governing over the whim of some unelected Army commander any day, there has to be a better checks and balances system than such a threat. The army fulfils an almost constitutional role in Turkey and always has since ataturk. It works well.
People are getting active and motivated and thats a good thing, now if some intelligent and right thinking people could form a party, harnass the anger and save us from sinn fein the water protests might have done real good for society.[/QUOTE]
Lucinda? o_O

You’re all losing the run of yourselves here gents.

This is not some lumpenproletariat bringing a corrupt government to it’s knees. People from all classes and political persuasions are telling them we’ve had enough.

They can shove Irish Water up their arse.

It said on the wireless this morning that the government have stated that they will take €500m from this scheme each year. There are approx 1.66m households in Ireland which averages at €300 per household which is not what we were told yesterday. Where is the shortfall coming from?

They’re making it up as they go along now, that much is obvious. Only a fool would sign up for this.

Businesses? Not sure if they are included.

If you add the €100 supplement to the €160 bill you get €260. Maybe it’s some trickery like that.

You make good points, but I’m more thinking of it as an apprenticeship for a politician and to get people in at ground level for a multitude of reasons like understanding the importance of being at debates, meetings etc. and also may put a stop to some of these family business type politicians. As in I think it may deter some of the clowns who go into it for the wrong reasons.


Fine Gael TD for Tipperary North Noel Coonan compares water protestors to ISIS. You just can’t make this stuff up.


[QUOTE=“Sidney, post: 1047870, member: 183”]Fine Gael TD for Tipperary North Noel Coonan compares water protestors to ISIS. You just can’t make this stuff up.



Must have read @maroonandwhite 's recent posts on this thread.