Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

No your a fool

She was paniced and scared yes which led her to Verbally call out to the guards to stop what they are doing- you can see her standing there doing exactly that as the guards are pushing people all over the place- a number of people were, which is clear from watching the various videos. After being fucked head first into a pole she stops the male next to her from pushing the guard back, which tells you all you need to know about the lovely lady. A decent and properly trained force would have cleared that space in two minutes without half the frenzy and panic.

Armoured land rovers?


They should have thrown the classifieds section of the herald at them,that would get them moving.


Its about time someone put you back in your box

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 1056295, member: 2272”]Darwin Award nominees

that driver mugged the lad on the bonnet off good and proper[/QUOTE]

would love if the driver pulled in down the road and waited for your man who kept running to reach him…i bet the chicken shit would have turned and ran back into the pack…

not a box…it’s an ivory tower pal…

@Raymond Crotty - if you’re a teacher, I don’t like your spelling capabilities

he done me for the same…i took his advice and edited accordingly… it ,its and it’s…:oops:

:oops:[QUOTE=“scumpot, post: 1056372, member: 182”]he done me for the same…i took his advice and edited accordingly… it ,its and it’s…:oops:[/QUOTE]
And me. Must have spelt Rechard Biyd Barat’s name wrong.

[QUOTE=“myboyblue, post: 1056271, member: 180”]
[/QUOTE]savage, it would have been better if had drove right over a few of the crusties though

Róisín Shortall has been kicked out of the Dáil by S Barrett this morning in the latest Irish Water row.

There should be no excuse needed to kick that geebag anywhere. It should just happen on a matter of principle.

:smiley: all you can do is laugh really…


The lad on the UTV Ireland news there from Clare who was living on his own and using 7 million litres of water a year. The equivalent of 26 baths a day.

A bath every hour - not unrealistic for a Clare roaster

jaysus, mac you are up early for a roaster, how did you manage it?