Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

I think the point is, or at least mine is, that huge money is being dreadfully wasted in the HSE and its a far bigger cost. Yes we need to spend money on health, onviously, but when you have scumbags like those women getting paid leave instead of being arrested then something is seriously wrong. Water, from a financial POV, is a smaller issue to this and quite a few other national issues and the use of tax payers money.

Nail on head, every worker in the country pays USC, the amount of disposable income it takes up is unreal, how long more does it have to be paid, and all it does is pay bank debt run up by the worlds worst banking sector.
The water protesters meanwhile have been taken over by scum who wont pay for anything, ever. Who know all about what their entitled to but none of the obligations to work and take care of themselves that comes with it. Laughable how quickly they shite themselves and get up off the road when a few guards walk along and tell them too, not exactly tiananmen square stuff outta them.




It doesn’t now because the government have folded like a cheap suit on everything but the original idea was to meter houses and then charge them per usage. Use less, pay less.

Did one of them manage to get hit?

You can see someone on the ground at the rear of the the jeep as it begins to drive away.

[QUOTE=“ChocolateMice, post: 1056272, member: 168”]@myboyblue

What was she trying to do there? Foolish and irresponsible from the Garda mind you, but hardly enough to go screaming assault.

They were lucky so. For a minute it looked like they’d have no incident to crow about.

Darwin Award nominees

that driver mugged the lad on the bonnet off good and proper

[QUOTE=“ChocolateMice, post: 1056272, member: 168”]@myboyblue


That was some dive from yer one. Great that these folk who can’t afford to pay for water can afford camera phones though.

Look at the size difference here, if she had hit the pole full on it could have been very serious… I understand they have orders and a job to do, and yeah there’s probably scuts in the mix but the majority of people are peacefully protesting and these fat roasters just come wading in with brute force… they then expect you to respect their uniform and help them police the state… about 40 seconds in.


so it doesnt, thanks

[QUOTE=“ChocolateMice, post: 1056315, member: 168”]Look at the size difference here, if she had hit the pole full on it could have been very serious… I understand they have orders and a job to do, and yeah there’s probably scuts in the mix but the majority of people are peacefully protesting and these fat roasters just come wading in with brute force… they then expect you to respect their uniform and help them police the state… about 40 seconds in.


opening up the Gardaí to all shapes and sizes doesn’t help crowd control situations

you need a wall of big lads in riot gear who are trained - a lot of crowd control seems to be junior GAA based pushing and jostling

[QUOTE=“ChocolateMice, post: 1056315, member: 168”]Look at the size difference here, if she had hit the pole full on it could have been very serious… I understand they have orders and a job to do, and yeah there’s probably scuts in the mix but the majority of people are peacefully protesting and these fat roasters just come wading in with brute force… they then expect you to respect their uniform and help them police the state… about 40 seconds in.

But why was she approaching the Gardaí in what was obviously an antagonistic situation? Just seems like she should have appreciated it was a highly tense environment. Not disregarding her treatment just feel she shouldn’t have put herself in that situation.

Look I didn’t want to say it earlier but your champagne socialist views on here are quite galling to read considering you regularly post here boasting about being a slum landlord and owning a number of properties in Finglas that you bought intending to flip back in the boom years. I also find it difficult to stomach being pontificated to by a lad who fled to another country as soon as things got a little bit tough and then came back with his tail between his legs as soon as things got pretty great here again. So, quite frankly, when it comes to discussing economic matters in THIS country, you may fuck off and die as far as I’m concerned.

mate, there is a natural order in life, Malahide>Tipp or wherever you are from

the fact that I can show empathy towards you and your plight is an amazing reflection on my e personna

a little appreciation wouldnt go astray every now and again

You’ve seen the footage- they marched into the area in file and spread out and started pushing, dragging and pulling protestors out of the way- the only people causing trouble were the guards- @Horsebox is slagging off the protestors becuase they were too meek, you’re blaming them becuase they actually reacted to police brutality-

a properly trained police force would have handled that situation in two minutes.

[QUOTE=“ChocolateMice, post: 1056326, member: 168”]You’ve seen the footage- they marched into the area in file and spread out and started pushing, dragging and pulling protestors out of the way- the only people causing trouble were the guards- @Horsebox is slagging off the protestors becuase they were too meek, you’re blaming them becuase they actually reacted to police brutality-

a properly trained police force would have handled that situation in two minutes.[/QUOTE]
So she was reacting to police brutality?

A woman standing on the street was assaulted by a guard. This is an outrage. Yet some gimps are blaming the victim for where she standing or the way she was walking. That fat pig bastard should be charged with assault and suspended without pay pending trial.