Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs


Irish Water should not be scrapped. That’s just fucking stupidity. It’s been an absolute clusterfuck but one single authority over water is a very sensible suggestion.

If they want they can suspend payment of charges for a few years but any outstanding liability up to this date should be paid, maybe spread out over the period it’s been suspended for and anyone that has already paid is in the clear. The idea that those who paid will be stiffed is hilarious. What other country in the World would come up with that? :grinning:

It should be written into the constitution that Irish water can never be privatised as well I think that would calm a lot of people.

You’d be a fucking lunatic to pay your water charges at the minute.


The concept of a dedicated public utility company like Irish Water is an eminently sensible one, as is the concept of water charges.

It depresses me that what should be a relatively minor side-issue has somehow become the only issue people are talking about. It’s like how the non-issue of stamp duty somehow became the main election issue in 2007.

Sinn Fein have been oppurtunistic over this no doubt but that’s nothing compared to the blatant cynicism of Fianna Fail, given that they were the ones who introduced the idea in the first place.

Setting up the thing, abolishing it, wasting billions in the process and giving the benefit to those who didn’t pay the charges, it’s like something from Hall’s Pictorial Weekly.

I still can’t understand how people cannot get their heads around the simple facts that the water system is a mess and whatever money is going towards maintaining it/fixing it is clearly not enough.


Left wing parties against water charges and property tax. Do they even know what socialism is?

Morons the fucking lot of them.

Any chance Fianna Fail and Fine Gael could just do a KLF and burn a big pile of money, say €50 billion, on some remote island off the west coast, for the craic?

Inishvickillane, perhaps?

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That’s a fowl comment, and toucan play at that game pal. If you kept your beak out of my business, your feathers wouldn’t get so ruffled. It’s only a bit of a lark after all. :bird:


I think water should be free because it falls from the sky


I was reading some Investec economic update thingy earlier and it was making the same point - a €3 per week water charge has become the main post election issue despite all the issues in health, housing, youth unemployment etc. It’s gas stuff altogether.


Not to mention the USC which is many multiples of what you have to pay for water by comparison.

It’s cool to hit me in the face with that baseball bat but please don’t lightly push me on the shoulder.


That point is only relevant if you are liable to pay USC.


Strongly agree rating.

WTF is wrong with many of the people in this country.

And we now have those spineless, weasely cunts FF, who were instrumental in the setting up of IW saying they will abolish it to gain popularity. I despise Fianna Fail.

The only mistake those thick bumbling blue shirts made with it was the disastrous marketing campaign.

As an aside, I know a lad setting up a business and needed to connect up the water. He rang Irish Water and after a painful conversation was referred to the local corporation,

Forum cronyism of the highest order here in replying to agree with a poster who agreed with somebody else’s point rather than the person who made the point in the first place.

Strongly agree rating.

It’s not like it’s a huge limit now even after being lifted a number of times.
€13000. So anyone doing over 27 hours a week on minimum wage.

Someone earning €13,001 pays 1% on income up to €12,012 and 3% on income between €12,012 and €13,001.
So even they pay more on USC than water. €150ish a year.

I strongly agree with your post agreeing with Sidney’s.

if you micks want free water, drink it out of puddles and streams full of cow shite and silage checmicals


I didn’t bother paying the charges at all. Unbelievable value! I might buy one of those huge paddling pools for the kids with the €250 I saved. Thanks for your patriotism pal…

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It appeals to the lowest common denominator. It’s something they can understand. Put a bucket of water in front of them and empty it out and they will be able to tell the difference immediately especially if they had paid for the water. Brendan Ogle and Ruth Coppinger and vile Joan the anti anti anti one from Crumlin.
They wouldn’t understand taxation tho.
What would really vex these animals though is if you hid the bucket.


People on the dole don’t pay the usc do they?

I think @Sidney would be in a position to confirm that.