Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

FF GETTING RID???:eyeglasses:

Irish Water and NAMA will dominate the Irish news for the rest of 2016.

I put on the green jersey and paid the charges and I wouldn’t dream of taking it back from the state. It was great value. Sure it was practically for nothing. I spent more on alcohol last weekend than I have done on water since the charges were introduced.


Fianna Fail would scrap the universal social charge on low to middle incomes, abolish Irish Water and build 45,000 new social homes if elected to power, party leader Micheal Martin has pledged.




unreal, what leadership, decisive, just what the people of Ireland want

It’s what FF promised, and we saw what happened to parties that break their promises.

FF WELDONE they did it for the people up yours @ChocolateMice


Fianna Fail, doing what we say we will. The Party you can trust

Good man. And the best of luck to you drinking that lovely free water that falls from the sky. Nobody ever got sick from drinking that. Sure they’re making up all that rubbish about cryptosporidium in Galway, and the boil water notice in Roscommon. Right? :non-potable_water: :ronnyroar:

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FF MUGS SF AND FG OFF @ChocolateMice

Fixed that for you Joe. :thumbsup:

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If one other Irish person says water should be free because it falls from the sky my head is going to explode. Why the fuck do we tolerate such complete imbecilic morons? It would almost convince you that there should be an IQ test before voting rights are established.


Water is still seen as an unalienable right, and most people find it difficult to align themselves with the idea of paying for it based on usage. The UN definition of the human right to water is based on an entitlement to “sufficient, safe, acceptable, physically accessible and affordable water for personal and domestic uses”. Nowhere does it say free.

@Joe_Player, let’s say you collect the free water that falls from the sky (most likely with a rainwater harvester connected to your house’s roof), if you drink it you are exposing yourself to risks due to birds shitting on the roof, etc. It was an appropriate solution in Ireland up to the 80s, but we knew fuck all about water-borne diseases at that stage, apart from cholera and a few others.

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They’ll be taxing the air next.

Is @ironmoth @anon7035031’s parrot?

Can these lads not stick an aul bucket out the windaw? They wouldn’t have to pay a thing then.*

*They might have to buy the bucket.