Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

Did FF or SF do it???

Neither. The people who stood up and protested against them did it.


I don’t expect you to understand, pal.


So, I paid 3500 or so to sink my own well.
It costs approx 150 euro a year in electricity to pump this water
and I test the water every 2 years at a cost of 36 euro.

There is no such thing as free clean water lads.

That said, I have seen the quality of the water thats coming out of some of the group schemes near me… and there is no way I would pay for it either.

You know what would be interesting, if a few people on groupo schemes took it upon themselves to actually test the quality of the water, I’d say a high % of samples would fail the test.


The water from my tap was right cloudy this morning, whiff of chlorine off it as well. I would only drink the stuff from the tap in an emergency.

First off, people are already paying for water. Secondly, yes- we know the service needs an upgrade but privatizing Irish water is not the answer… Just introduce it as a once off smaller payment under household charge.

How are people already paying for water, mate? Why do most other European countries have water charges? Do their citizens not already pay for water as well?

So you’ll happily pay for it by increasing your household charges, but not by paying it as a stand alone bill? :unamused:

True. That would suggest I am paying on the double.

Mugged off good and proper so.


You’ll have to take that up with the department of water in other countries, pal.

Last year Simon Coveney said '…at the moment Irish taxpayers are paying about 1.2 billion euros for the cost of water through general taxation, water is not free at the moment”

He was suggesting that they were simply moving the method of payment to a stand alone bill for each house… and @Julio_Geordio you know well what I am saying…give over.

You’re acknowledging we have to pay money to fix the water system, but won’t pay for it if it’s called Irish Water? Where do you want it to come from the Health budget? We are going to pay for it whatever way it falls, at least a pay as you use system is fair.

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What would you know about working?

The Princess’ ma pays the bill anyway.

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I’ve ALWAYS said that we need to contribute something to address the water situation- you gowl. Privizing it is not the answer. Letting figures like Denny O’Brien charge what they want and screw over already marginalized families is hardly fair? Introduce a way that people pay a once off payment, much reduced to what what these cunts were looking to do, makes much more sense…

About as much as you, mate.

:joy:privitising Irish water might be right.

So we should give corporates control of water?

They weren’t privatising it though? They might have, and I’ve no problem with people going mad if they did, but they weren’t privatising it. What they were doing was taking control of a badly underfunded water system from whatever many local authorities there is, centralising and stream lining the organisation of it and attempting to rectify decades of mismanagement.
All of which badly needed to happen.

What’s a once off payment going to do? The system needs constant upgrades and maintenance.

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