Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

It’s all in the spelling. Or,as my daughters spelling book has written on the front, “splings”

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Yes - they were fucking privatising it - even if it wasn’t - the protests have made these cunts re-address how it will be sorted going forward… look at how contracts were issued for the first stage… absolute cronyism at its finest…could/would you honestly trust the cunts to spend the income from it honestly? It has been blown wide open now and will have to be transparent…

Would the 1.2billion already being charged for water be taken out of general taxation or were you happy to pay twice?

I’ve no idea how that happened - it turned out as privizing too.

It’s something to do with which keys you tap in which order.


Don’t be so stupid.

I was trying to be helpful.

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That won’t work pal. We should be getting away from stealth taxes and moving to a transparent system where people can see how much they consume, conserve where possible, and pay according to their usage. Water is a valuable resource, and people need to appreciate it (usually by paying for it).

Fact. Getting rid of water charges is a tax on rural Ireland.


They do pay for it.

The new system through metering was only paying for the admin of Irish water :joy:

People were going to be paying €300 a year just for the administration of a new water company set up by Denis O’Brien… you couldn’t make it up.

Factor in the pump will last for about 20 years before it needs to be replaced.

Having your own water is worth the cost.

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What’s €0 going to do? - Unfortunately water is not our only issue presently, pal… there are people going homeless/just about keeping a roof over their head… We have a major health crisis… education is falling apart…Not to mention suicide … immigration etc. etc etc.

All in all the gap between rich and poor is severly widening and many of the most vulnerable took the brunt of the corrupt actions of bankers and politicians so you can see why they are at wits end… Water will have to be a long term project…there is no quick fix… but lumping people with another €300 bill is simply not on for large swathes of the population right now - so you fuck back to the drawing board, cunt.

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Denis O’Brien doesn’t own Irish Water you imbecile.

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I can’t get to the drawing board. I’m hiding behind a printer. Cunt.

Water is a health issue. A big fuck-off one at that, and kicking the can down the road is not the answer. I will agree with you on corrupt bankers and politicians, though. They’re the cunts that have consistently fucked every country in the world over, time and time again. History teaches us nothing because we chose to ignore it.

About time. Urbanites subsidise rural living to a ridiculous degree and never say a word about it.

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Until just this very minute.


i don’t know where you live pal, I think you need to move.

Your experience is very different to the Ireland I live in.

I’ve stayed schtum about this blindingly obvious fact for too long.

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No, never say a word :blush:

As a rural-dweller, I will 100% support you in any crusade to tell the world how much ‘your people’ subsidise ‘my people’. We will change nothing, but it will feel great doing it.
