Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

I see Donnelly is a wee bit peeved with the SDs and probably they with him.

there was some stroke pulled at the outset of all of this. All legal yeah. Id say if the troika were still here they would be looking for the revenue to overturn the loophole and start chasing the tax. No fear it will happen now.

yeah legal alright…but the view is the funds all got the nod that this was an approach that a blind eye would be turned to. No reason that other companies dont use it but it seems to be all the vultures.

She surely can’t be the next leader of Sinn Féin in that condition.

Any leader, male or female, needs to somewhat look the part. They have to come across as active, energetic and fit in their appearance. This makes it seem like they have more drive and endurance and helps them to bring people along with them. They don’t need to have the build of a professional athlete but they shouldn’t be significantly overweight either.

For example, it’s why many business titans sustain intense work-out programmes and try to attain long term fitness goals (e.g. running 5km in less than 24 minutes [cc @Brimmer_Bradley]).

Party gurus should be getting her in the gym and ensuring she’s following a proper diet and nutrition plan.

Seems to be any vulture funds that are involved with NAMA. The charities have come out and said they have never heard of some of the funds and have not had a donations from the companies. The tax man should be hounding these cunts, the revenue should start auditing these companies and going through everything to make their lives a misery and get the tax that should have been paying.

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Imagine what she’ll look like after the Christmas?!

She must be a sow for the trough.

Really !!!

Did they not set up and register their own charities specifically to take advantage of those loopholes?

It would make you fucking sick the carry on of these funds. Revenue should savage the cunts.

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thats the point though. The view is that perhaps the revenue have given this the ok. perhaps following discussions with others. perhaps letters of comfort were provided. perhaps similar big law firms act for the funds and the government.

All allegedlys.

Who the blonde one beside her ??

As Donnelly said this is all legal and he said that as soon as the loop hole is closed, Accountants are already looking for the next loop hole to exploit for these Vulture funds.

thats what the tax experts do. Try and pick holes in the legislation. It could happen though that the revenue cop this and come after the money retrospectively. but thats far more likely for yourself or myself if we benefitted from it.

Carol Nolan, Offaly teacher

Not bad TBH .

Comme ci comme ca



Well she was sitting beside Mary Lou

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The fuckers in Revenue would hound a private citizen to death to recoup some tax but these companies and funds they give a free hand too.

As for the loop holes you would think that the people employed on good wages in the Department of Finance would be going through the legislation looking for these loop holes before the legislation is published. How are they not catching this?

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