Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

ah shur we’re a great bunch of lads, some folk on here would have u thinking we live in a backward hovel and that the grass is greener out foreign.

it is a backward hovel, the natives are as thick as bottled pigshite, anyone with a bit of get up and go can make a fool out of them and fuck them over good and proper for tax, look at Apple, Noonan takes it up the shitter, so Nuala and John in Ballyfuck have a job


That’s about the size of it.

I can’t stand FF and those Shinners and the likes of Claire Daly give me the shivers. Yet these simpleton schmucks in FG waste the opportunity of a generation to introduce real transformative change.

Here we are in a country with the most progressive tax system in Europe, where only higher rate PAYE and SMEs pay almost all the tax, and we’re hit with paying for water as well.

Yeah, it’s from IBEC, but the points remain.

  • Ireland is not a low income tax country
  • Middle and high earners pay the vast majority of all taxes collected and have contributed most during the crisis
  • Low earners pay less tax than the OECD average but at the average wage and above Irish tax rates are relatively high
  • There are a number of unique features to the Irish tax system which provide a clear disincentive to work

You can upset yourself with this think

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We have our issues but tis a great country with a great bunch of lads in it. I worked abroad for a while too. I had that bitter hatred but in hindsight it was the anger you’d feel after being dumped. A kind of self loathing for having failed. All’s ok now thank God. May all the roads to rise to meet you when one day you finally come back to lovely ol Eire.

1.7 billion for the project eagle portfolio returns 77 million a year in profits. Would this be considered a good return!!

I’m no expert but would imagine 4.5% would be good enough in times of low interest rates.

Did Irish Water ever pay out that €100 bung they were offering in a pathetic attempt to entice people into paying their water bills?

Was it not the govt who paid that as a bribe to try get people to pay their Irish water bill.

Social Welfare paid it. If you signed up to Irish Water, refused to pay any bill, you could apply for the “conservation grant” and be a ton up.


can be sure there is plenty more profit hidden in there somewhere e.g. the funds used to purchase the assets was probably lent from a parent company at a very high rate thus creating a big expense in Ireland when they repaid the interest to the parent company. So smaller profit at this end but large profit elsewhere on the provision of the loan.

Hear hear. Some people seem to be seething that profits at DOB owned Actavo / SiteServ may be adversely affected.

DOB should not be let within an arses roar of any public contracts. Anything that he is involved in that has anything to do with the government is just going to gets people’s back up.

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Fuck! That really puts the “I already pay for water” argument to bed.

why is that mate?

"The semi-state body received a subvention of €439 million in 2014 and is expected to receive €399 million and €479 million in 2015 and 2016 respectively.

The committee heard that two thirds of this money came from motor tax payments. McGuinness said this is difficult to justify at a time when local authorities are “starved of money to fix the potholes”.

All perfectly legal no doubt. It would sicken your shite all the same. In fairness to Catherine Murphy Mick Wallace and Stephen o Donnell at least they are shining a light on this carry on for all the difference it will make.

Mary Lou is gigantic these days

Not quite a public contract but does he have a bit of input in to certain rugby and soccer contracts ???"0

not quite?

not at all

The public interest ???

Stephen Donnelly was on Pat Kenny about this yesterday morning. It is all perfectly legal, the companies are using a section in the tax code called section 110.