Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs


Privatisation of our most important national resource had to be stopped.

The taxes we’re already paying are chronic…fuck them and the EU for trying to rail road us into extra taxes.

Greedy corporate fuckers.

This is Ireland. Service is the last thing in the list of priorities. They had arranged pay scales and bonuses before they even set a price. I’d have no problem paying for water but I was fucked if I was going to fund another quango.

Meanwhile back at the ranch

Not. We need water charges.

You’re funding it anyway.

I am in favour of water charges in principle . However the notion that bonuses be paid to management in a semi state monopoly is absurd.

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Our car tax will go up 20 or 30 quid to pay for the water now wait and see


True but the protests softened their cough. They’ll need to be a little more subtle next time.

Can you please edit your post to say ’ pay for the administration of Irish water and bonuses for its management’

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How did the final report end up ? .
Is there going to be a charge for excess usage ?

I think so, yes. With refunds suggest for all - minus the grant if you availed of it.

So the people who paid nothing and still got the grant end up better off than the people who paid their bills :grinning:

It’s not an EU issue. Blueshirts are using that as an excuse. Did they ask the EU how to properly set up a public utility?

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No there won’t. If you are an excessive user of water you’ll be notified and invited to change your ways and if you don’t you’ll be prosecuted


I am :wink:. I consider it a rebate.

Yes and the squeezed middle will pony up even more . This isn’t a victory.

Admin, I think @TheUlteriorMotive has hacked into this account.

Can we suspend this account’s posting privileges whilst an investigation into this matter is conducted?

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You saying the less well off don’t pay their way?