Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

the squeezed middle bent over and paid willy nilly instead of saying no… they’ll pay again and again no matter what is rolled out - they are servile cunts and deserve to be rammed as the cunts step up and vote the same wankers in every election.

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Fat cats like you get new trouser belts on a weekly basis.

Go way outta that :smile:[quote=“Ashman, post:1326, topic:19547, full:true”]
Yes and the squeezed middle will pony up even more . This isn’t a victory.

For a site full of great financial minds there is a worrying lack of fiscal responsibility here.

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Honest question,

Who or what would you consider to be the squeezed middle income wise?

There’s people I know who don’t work who have a better standard of living then a young couple on say 70-80k per year.

Able to collect their kids…have no work stress…2 holidays a year and nothing to pay for.

I would’nt blame in the slighest either…they’re making the most of a failed system.

We understand how it works. Overspend after overspend followed by a bail-out from @thedancingbaby @anon32894817 @mac @fenwaypark’s and @smark. In the words of the @projectdick, God bless the markets.

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Anyone earning between 300k and 500k a year


Paying large bonuses before a ‘service’ is even rolled out … yeah … fiscal responsibility is right.

If there was fairness across the board and people were getting what they were paying for i’d say something, but we’re not. Ireland has always been about paying and protecting the big wigs at all costs… eradicate that culture and you can have your fiscal responsibility.

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Anyone earning a euro more than me or when the circumstance suit anyone earning a euro below me . :sunglasses:

Seriously 40k to 80k would be a base .


And privatisation is the classic example of same.

What privatisation ??

40k is scraping the bottom of the barrel even in Linerick pal…you’re barely getting by on that tbh.

My tax credits will be changing the end of this month, but our taxes are appaling rough at a very modest level of income 49% effective tax…its disgusting.

Irish water was going to be sold off once it became profitable…maybe you werent aware of that…or else you’re the owner of Ballygowan. :frowning:

Hopefully that’s delayed a few years now anyway.

Agreed but at that amount most are stung for top rate which is wrong . By any standard someone on 40 k paying top rate is bloody well squeezed .


Delighted for all the layabout toe rags in Drogheda who protested paying a few quid a year for water. Queue up there by the slurry tanks now to get a few litres.


I suppose they’ll be looking for the magic money tree to sort this.

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We pay for water through general taxation and bizarrely motor tax.

This incident shows that Irish water is not fit for purpose

An Irish Water spokesman mentioned a figure of 13bn was needed this morning. If they collect from Apple what’s due to them, divvy some of it out to our European friends and we should still have enough to start the ball rolling on required infrastructure upgrades. That’s if the will is there. Sometimes they just prefer to go for low hanging fruit. The cowardly option, the one which I see you endorse.

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The lickspitlle taken down with a clean headshot.

As if this wouldn’t have happened even we did have water charges. Did you think that Irish Water were going to magically fix all the pipes within a few weeks of receiving that cash? What were they going to using magic pixie dust.

This is the just the losers in the water protests now using this to say I told you so. The pipe that is broke is 50 years old, not 100 or victorian or what ever other crap you want to throw at it. It should have been replaced 30 years ago but due to chronic under investment by successive FF and FG governments over those years have led to this. But you go on believing the usual shite that it’s all the free loaders fault.

Oh and by the way I am affected by this.

Wouldn’t it make sense to pay motor tax for road infrastructure and water tax for water infrastructure. Those with only the left side of their brains working can’t understand this. 13 billion needed will now come from general taxation, competing with education and health.