Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

The only people mugged off here are the Irish public — the water charges were a complete failure from the off — Typical Fine Gael — As the saying goes, they’d kick a sleeping dog for no reason. - The fuckers just can’t help themselves.

Let’s hope a fair system is found going forward.

Nope, I’m €100 up on the water charge “implantation”.

Know fuck all about him but his payoff absolutely fuck all to do with irish water

To get the Irish Water gig after his numerous fuck ups speaks volumes. He got a pay off from Irish Water too.

The Irish Water Christmas club cheques are coming in

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Huzzah. Victory for Julio Geordio vs the oppressive property rental company

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Give it to charity ye lickspittle cunts.

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Yes please

They gave it to John Tierney. Here’s a charity they can donate to.

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@anon7035031 what’s the story with the net neutrality debate,? Is it something I should be concerned about?

Labane is a computer expert now as well?

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Someones feeling a little left out.

I’m seething.
I’ve nothing else to be doing today.

It’ll only affect cunts living in the US and they deserve everything they get at this stage

Defer to the forum’s expert on printers and such, @TreatyStones.

That would be @Fitzy

Got my water charges refund there. I’d say the fellas who didn’t pay the charges feel rightly mugged off, not getting a cheque for Christmas.


We got a refund in the post 2 weeks ago addressed to the houses former owner. She passed away a month ago. We’ve no contact details for her family and not sure if they’d even want the cheque. Can we donate it to charity or anything do you know?

How did you know its a refund?

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How the fuck would I know.

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