Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

A bit like water falling from the sky and appearing at the taps Irish water were going to upgrade the infrastructure without any administration costs.

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Property tax is even worse really, but nothing is said about it.

Yeah coz the boysis dont have to pay it

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Not sure who you’re referring to there,

I would’ve thought stamp duty covered property tax and now the cunts have it along with the USC and PRSI on my payslip.

Ridiclous tax…get nothing for it at all.

Deducted at source so the boysis as @gilgamboa says didn’t have to worry about it

What if you’ve moved since you paid the water charges?

Going to claim mine back then throw it in my TdeM fund.

Think.you might be in a bit of bother.

Go on…


I heard something on the radio but might be open to correction. The refund may be related to the address rather than the name if you know what I mean. So the cheque will be sent to your old address


I could be wrong chief. Now your name could very well be on the cheque but you’re relying on the integrity of whoever moved into your own place. Chances are that if they don’t have you’re forwarding address, they might fuck it in the bin if they don’t try and cash it.
But ypu know they lodged the grant directly into the bank account which would be the logical thing to do with the refund.

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Only property owners pay it. Therefore not relevant to anyone who doesnt own a home.

Edit: didnt realise you could pay it through ones salary how does that work

It starts with having a job


My wife has a job

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I held out paying for as long as possible this year by disputing their valuation until the bastards without notifying me just decided to take the tax at source.


I disagree. Property is generally a sign of wealth. And people usually buy as nice a gaff as they can afford. That’s life. It’s the fairest example of progressive tax really. The richest pay most and the poorest pay nothing.

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Shame on those who did not pay their water charges and contribute to misfortunates like John and Noirin.

Did you read the article

@mikehunt mugging himself here

I did and I’ve read other articles about this particular chap’s work. He was involved in the Eyre Square and Poolbeg debacles. A beacon of gross incompetence.