Water Charges - Eat Shit Capitalist Pigs

Got my cheque as well. it was sitting on the kitchen table for a few days, thought it was a Christmas card or something. Just opened it there. Very nice.

This guy on the news complaining about water shortages while standing in front of a giant fountain


Well skangers, any comment to make now about your ‘victory’


Missed the fountain but noticed that this dub cunt said nothing about the amount of water being lost in leaks. Who the fuck could vote for the Green party crusty types?

What has that to do with water charges???.. Water charges were being introduced to finance the administration of a new water company, Irish water… finance for water was and still is coming from the same place it has always come from, taxation.


Which victory would that be pal? I assume you mean water tax? I pay for my own water. If I lived in town I would have ‘free’ water but that would be covered by my taxes so I’m happy with my lot. I don’t begrudge townies at all.

Why we’re Mary Lou and all SF hierarchy happy to pay water charges until the socialists kicked up?


There’s a real lickspittle attitude to the average Irish person that they will accept anything they are told from the establishment.


Why dont you ask Mary Lou?

Why don’t you the next time you’re arranging the chairs.

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You’re the one looking for an answer, lickspittle.

The refusal to update the water system with necessary works, 40% of water leaking wasn’t it, how badly the fountains of ireland need it now


Agreed… it’s a shame they set up water charges solely to fund the administration of this new company and made a complete balls of everything.

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I put a fountain in the garden years ago but got bored maintaining the fucking thing so I paved over it and stuck a little statue on top. A few pots of seasonal colour and the fountain is but a distant memory.


time for dublin to stop subsidizing the muldoons through local property tax

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Still not a single leak fixed.

Haha, great answer you fucking drone.

You asked a question of people not on the forum ---- I simply told you to direct the question at the people you were aiming the question at — yet you want me to answer the said question?

Are you retarded? It appears so.

What was the statue?